Connectors addition


Octavo Inglés Flashcards on Connectors addition, created by LILIANA GOMEZ on 09/09/2018.
Flashcards by LILIANA GOMEZ, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
michel espinosa
Created by michel espinosa over 6 years ago
Copied by LILIANA GOMEZ over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Because Porque The baby is crying because he is hungry.
For Porque She turned on the lights, for she was afraid of the dark.
Since Puesto que, ya que He won´t undestand, since he doesn´t speak english.
Due to / Owing to Debido a The unemployment was high due to the economic crisis.
Therefore Por lo tanto, entonces Tom didn’t study. Therefore he failed the test.
In order to Para - con tal de In order to drive, I need a license.
As a result / As a consequence Por eso - como resultado - consecuencia As a result, you'll get a great diploma
This is why Esta es la razon I behaved badly this afternoon. For this reason, I will not go to the cinema tomorrow.
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