The Biosphere


Fichas en The Biosphere , creado por Elma Montes en 07/03/2018.
Elma Montes
Flashcards by Elma Montes, updated more than 1 year ago
Elma Montes
Created by Elma Montes over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Life functions All living things carry out at least 3 esential life functions.
nutrition Is the process to obtain matter and energy - autotrophs - produce your matter and energy - heterotrophs - use the organic compounds of autotrophs compounds
Interaction Interact with others living things and with their enviroment
reproduction is the process for produce a new living thing. - sexual - Have 2 gametes, sperm cell and ovul or egg cell, and descendant have characteristics from both parents - asexual - one living thing produce a identical living thing. ( no have gametes )
prokariotic cells simple and smaller. no have nucleus, and the genetic material are floating in the cytoplasm - Cell wall - - Ribosomes - - Genetic Material - - Flagellum -
Eukariotic cells have complex internal organitzacion - Nucleus - - Diferent types of organelles -
animal cell - irregular shape - - nucleus in the centre - - ribosomes - - mitochondria - - endoplasmic reticulum - - golgi apparatus - - cytoplasm - - plasma membrane - - lysosome -
plant cell - a rigid cell wall gives regular shape - - a nucleus located on one side - - a large vacuole - - chloroplast - - ribosomes - - mitochondria - - endoplasmic reticulum - - golgi apparatus - - cytoplasm - - plasma membrane -
ORGANELLES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS - Ribosomes - produce proteins - mitochondria - produce energy, called cellular respiration - Lysosomes - digest complex substances - chloroplast - responsable for photosyntesis
levels of cellular organitzacion tissues organs organs sistems organism
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