Created by ablackwood
almost 12 years ago
The tenure of offices for the state overseer is for a maximum of _____ years in nonmission states.
The state overseer appoints _____ when necessary.
The state overseer approves the selection, purchase, and construction of all church, parsonage, or Sunday school properties, together with the respective _____.
Before launching large financial projects, the state overseer must have the approval of the _____.
The state overseer, with the _____, may authorize exhorters to pastor, baptize, and receive members into the church, when such authority is necessary.
Except in national, territorial, provincial, or mission states, all state councilmen must be _____.
With the state overseer, the _____ has supervision of the state missions money, surplus tithes, state parsonage, campground, and all other funds received and disbursed by the state treasury.
Each state will have a _____.
The _____ are appointed biennially by the state overseer.
The State Board of Ministerial Development is appointed by the state overseer and approved by the _____.
The _____ helps stimulate and nurture continuing education programs at all levels.
The _____ is elected by the ministers of the state.
The State Youth and Discipleship director is nominated by the _____.
The State Youth and Discipleship director is elected by the _____.
The state overseer will submit to the _____ the names of nominees for the State Evangelism and Missions director.
The State Evangelism and Missions director’s term of office is two years, with a maximum of ______ consecutive years in a nonmission state.
The _____ provides leadership and guidance in the establishing of new churches.
Evangelistic associations and other organizations of this type cannot be organized in the Church of God without the express approval of the _____.
Each district is under the care and supervision of a _____, who is appointed by the state overseer.
The district overseer sees that a(n) _____ is put forth in his district during the year.
The _____, with the district overseer, may appoint an assistant as the Youth and Discipleship director for the district.
The _____ serves as the Church of God State Women’s Ministry president.
The Church of God stands for the _____ rightly divided.
The Church of God has a _____ form of government.
The _____, the highest authority of the Church of God, governs the ownership of all church property.
The International General Assembly governs the operations of the Church of God at the _____ levels.
The ____ is the only rule for government and discipline in the Church of God.
A _____ holds title to, manages, and controls, at the directions of the local church, all real estate owned by the local congregation.
The _____ remains the Church of God’s mandate from Christ.
The Church of God affirms the scripture pattern of _____ and deacons.
A member’s name should remain on the membership roll until an _____ for transfer is received.
The mission of the Church of God is to communicate the power of Jesus Christ in the _____ of Pentecost.
A request for transfer of membership should be granted within _____, providing no charges are pending.
The Church of God is a _____ body.
When making formal charges against a member is necessary, the charges are to be given to the member not less than _____ prior to the time and place of the meeting.
A local church _____ withdraw from the International General Assembly,
A _____ is a business meeting for the purpose of transacting any business necessary for the operation of the church.
The official name of the church is _____.
No _____ has a right to hold a conference without permission of the district overseer.
No conference will be held in a district except under the direction of the _____.
The membership of the Church of God is composed of Christians who have accepted the _____ of the Church of God.
The state and district overseers should see that at least _____ conference(s) is/are conducted in each local church.
The regular conference consists of the _____.
The purpose of the church conference is to inform the church of its _____.
The International _____ is composed of all members and ministers of the Church of God 16 years of age and above.
A regular conference should be announced at least _____ days before it occurs.
The purpose of the International General Assembly is to advance the ______ of the Church of God.
A _____ takes care of business arising between regular conferences.
The International General Assembly meets _____.
The usual order of business in a conference includes _____.
The authority to place new pastors is placed in the _____.
_____ serves as the official guide for the business of the International General Assembly.
When a pastor desires a pastoral change, he/she will submit a letter of request to the _____.
The International General Assembly elects the _____.
Laity may contact the _____, about local church issues after they have talked with their pastor.
The officers of the International General Assembly consist of the _____ and a secretary.
Assistant pastors are subject to the approval and appointment of the _____.
The _____ serves the International General Assembly as secretary.
The pastor’s wife is _____ for appointment as the pastor’s assistant.
A local church can determine if it is practical to have a _____.
The International General Council is composed of all _____ of the Church of God.
The _____ serves as the chairman of the Church and Pastor’s Council.
The International _____ shall elect the Council of the Eighteen.
The general overseer, his assistants, the secretary-general, and _____ shall constitute the International Executive Council.
Standing Boards are appointed by the _____.
The International General Assembly grants to its _____ the same voice that it affords all credentialed ministers in the International General Assembly.
_____ are approved to sit in the International General Council.
The International General Council meets _____ to consider recommendations that are to be presented to the International General Assembly.
A Church and Pastor’s Council meeting can be called only with the permission of the _____.
The largest group that comprises the International Executive Council is _____.
The Church and Pastor’s Council assists the pastor in the _____ area(s) of the church.
All major local church disbursements must be approved by the church in _____.
A church treasurer will be appointed by the _____ and confirmed by the Council and/or body.
Each local church is to provide the treasurer with a copy of the _____ of the International General Assembly.
A member of the Council of Eighteen is eligible to succeed himself for ______ term(s).
The distribution of tithes sent to the International Offices is the responsibility of the _____.
The Finance Committee consists of the treasurer and _____ other members.
A local church that owns any property will appoint a _____.
State and provincial overseers are appointed by the _____.
Before approving a building project, a _____ or his designee will determine if the design and financial programs have been approved by proper authorities.
No church will implement a _____ without permission from the state overseer.
The local church Women’s Ministries committee will consist of _____.
After an International Executive Committee member has served eight years, he is ineligible to serve in that role for _____ year(s).
The chairman of the local church Women’s Ministries is the _____.
The general overseer will be elected for a _____-year term.
All applicants for the ministry must have _____.
The applicant for ordination as bishop must meet the biblical requirements found in _____.
The assistant general overseers are elected for a _____-year term.
An applicant for ordination as bishop may be ordained when he is twenty-five years of age, provided he has had at least _____ years of active ministry.
When an exhorter is serving as pastor and he meets the requirements of the civil laws, he/she may officiate _____.
Furnishing the International General Assembly with financial reports is a primary responsibility of the _____.
The director of Youth and Discipleship will be able to succeed himself _____ term.
The _____ develops and sets forth the policy of the World Missions ministry and its operation.
The _____ determines the eligibility of prospective missionaries.
The _____ provides diverse involvement in order to support an international perspective in fulfilling the mission of the Church of God.
The _____ advises the International Executive Committee on issues of international concern.
The _____ recommends prospective missionaries to the director of World Missions.
A qualification of a _____ is his ability to oversee people as well as programs.
As part of his accountability, a _____ is to be a model by demonstrative, Christlike attributes in his lifestyle and administration.
The state overseer’s term of office shall be for _____ years.