Created by ablackwood
almost 12 years ago
The Church of God began in the _____ of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia.
The founders of the Church of God preached a solid _____ message.
_____ was the term often used to describe the Church of God in its early days.
The existence of false teachings in the early days of Pentecostalism made the leaders of the church understand the need for the development of _____.
The church is both a _____ and a _____.
The basic reason for having polity and for following parliamentary procedure is to accomplish _____ and what the church ought not to do.
Any member of the Church of God who is _____ years of age and above who is present at the General Assembly is able to speak at the Assembly.
Since the Church of God has a _____ form of government, members do not represent local churches but themselves.
_____ is the official history of the Church of God.
The Church of God had its beginning in _____.
On August 19, 1886, seven people covenanted with _____ and his son, _____, to find the spiritual life lacking in their churches.
The Church of God was first called the _____.
In 1896, a revival occurred at _____ near Camp Creek in Cherokee, North Carolina, that emphasized sanctification.
_____ was a significant layman in the early days of the Church of God.
The first General Assembly was held on January 26, 27, _____ at the home of J.C. Murphy in _____.
The name “Church of God’ was adopted in the ___ General Assembly.
At the second General Assembly, the Assembly instituted a new order of ministry-- _____.
The first general overseer of the Church of God was _____.
The Church of God Evangel was first published as the Evening Light and Church of God Evangel in _____.
Recognizing education as an important tool for fulfilling the Great Commission, the _____ was opened on January 1, 1918.
_____ and _____ Barr turned to their native Bahamas, as the first Church of God missionaries in 1909.
_____ was elected as the second general overseer in the Church of God in 1923.
In 1924, the Assembly established the office of _____, and his responsibility was to serve as clerk of the Assemblies.
At the General Assembly in 1926, three standing boards were created; _____.
In 1929, the _____, composed of all ordained ministers, was established to convene prior to Assembly.
The Bible Training School was renamed _____ in honor of F.J. Lee in 1947.
In 1948, the _____ was adopted.
The Assembly approved _____ to be licensed to preach in 1909.