Created by serenacutbill
over 11 years ago
Ex-situ Conservation
To protect species from dying out & reintroduction of animals to wild
Conservation priorities
Captive breeding
Captive breeding carried out to:
In some cases, these individuals are part of a management programme aimed at eventually reintroducing captive-bred animals into wild habitats and populations
Issues in Captive Breeding
Why have breeding programmes?
Care must be taken to ensure that 'genetically' animals are exactly the same as those found in the wild, so that they do not become 'inbred'
European Studbooks (ESBs) have a studbook keeper that manages the population to a lesser extent
Genetic variability
Studbook Recommendations
Edinburgh Zoo holds studbooks for Diana, L'Hoest's and Hamlyn's monkey, king and Gentoo penguins and Pallas cats
What is a studbook?
Will they be returned?
Will they be returned?
Examples of successful reintroduction
Is conservation breeding important?
1st official recognition by IUCN
1987-document detailing logic/contribution
1993-convention on Biological Diversity
Captive breeding is important for:
Where do animals come from?
E.g. The Panamanian Golden Frog
Legal Requirements