Created by serenacutbill
almost 12 years ago
Health and Welfare
Animal Management
Animal Management 2
34 aquariums in EU kept 2,344 species in 2004
199 species in breeding programmes
Aquatic species
First aquarium was opened at London Zoo in 1853
Is the welfare of aquatic species important?
The conscious awareness of the animal to favourable of adverse conditions
The Aquatic Animal Health (England and Wales) Regulations 2009
Fish Welfare
Fact or Fiction?
Fact or Fiction?
Dolphins in Captivity
Orcas in Captivity
Currently 42 in captivity in USA, Canada, Japan & France
136 taken from wild since 1961
120 now dead
Sea Lions in Captivity
Under legislation for Zoo Licensing Act 1981 & EC Zoos Directive 1999
Also have to meet SSSMZP
Stereotypical behaviour in fish
Stereotypical behaviours 2
Stocking densities
Should allow fish to show most normal behaviour and avoid having to show abnormal behaviour
Feeding methods
Catching fish
Environment and water conditions
Exhibit Design
Diving Experience Exhibits