Created by annjb2898
almost 11 years ago
What is lithosphere?
What is the lithosphere made of?
The crust is too thick to drill through, so where is most of our information about the Earth?
What is the mantle?
The Earth's core transfers energy, so .......
What do convection currents do?
What is subduction?
Most scientists now accept the theory of plate tectonics, which suggests that South Africa and South America could once have been one land mass. Explain why.
Whose theory was not accepted by scientists at the time?
What evidence was found in the 1960s?
Why does magma rise up through the Earth's crust?
What can this cause?
Magma can have different types of composition which cause different types of eruption. Why do geologists study volcanoes?
What types of rock are formed from lava?
Where does iron-rich basalt rock come from?
Where does silica-rich rhyolite rock come from?