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Created by Rogelio Rodriguez
over 7 years ago
Good day
Good evening
Good night (going to bed)
Hello / Hi / Bye
Thank you (very much)
You're welcome
How are you? (formal)
How are you? (informal)
I'm (really) good.
I'm ok.
Bad / not bad
What's your name? (f)
What's your name? (in)
My name is…
Where are you from? (f)
Where are you from? (in)
I'm from….
How old are you? (f)
How old are you? (in)
I'm ___ years old.
Yes / No
Do you speak … ? (f)
Do you speak … ? (inf)
I (don't) speak…
I (don't) know
Do you understand? (f)
Do you understand? (inf)
I (don't) understand
Can you help me? (f)
Can you help me? (inf)
Of course.
I would like…
Where is / are … ?
Excuse me
Pardon me
I'm sorry
See you tomorrow
See you later / soon
Mister / Misses / Miss
Pleased to meet you.
How do you say … ?
What's the matter?
What's happening?
There is / are…
What is it?
It doesn't matter.
I have no idea.
I don't care.
I'm tired / sick.
I'm hungry / thirsty.
I'm cold / hot.
I'm bored.
I forgot.
I have to go.
Let's go!
Good luck!
Have fun! (inf)
Bless you!
Pay attention! / Be careful! (f)
Don't worry! (inf)
Shut up! (f / inf)
Happy New Year
Happy Easter
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday
I love you. (singular)
I miss you. (singular)