kVp keV( kVp, keV ): the maximum energy available keV kVp( keV, kVp ): measure of energy
step-down step-up( step-down, step-up ): if turns in secondary are < turns in primary step-up step-down( step-up, step-down ): if turns in secondary are > turns in primary
Power loss in the form of heat due to resistance happens in copper
Power loss in copper can be minimized by using larger smaller( larger, smaller ) diameter conductor
What are the types of full-wave generation?
Single phase
3 phase - 6 pulse
3 phase - 12 pulse
High frequency
N-type material P-type material( N-type material, P-type material ): silicon-arsenic bond P-type material N-type material( P-type material, N-type material ): silicon-gallium bond
The anode is positively charged and cathode is negatively charged
Types of anodes Rotating Stationary( Rotating, Stationary ): Found in general x-ray machines Stationary Rotating( Stationary, Rotating ): Found in dental units
Rotating anodes are made of tungsten encased in solid copper
What slows the pitting and cracking of the anode?
Where can you find the focusing cup?
The source of electrons come from where?
What needs to be warmed to minimize cracking?
What causes arcing and can crack the tube?
Filament evaporation
Anode evaporation
Tungsten deposition
As the angle of anode increases, heel effect decreases increases( decreases, increases )
Area of the effective focal spot is determined by the angle of the anode cathode( anode, cathode )
Thermal capacity of the anode is the amount of heat the anode can store bear( store, bear ) as opposed to how much it can bear store( bear, store ) in one exposure
Using a higher kVp increases heat units (HU)