Created by rlshindmarsh
over 11 years ago
Copied by erjnaylor
over 11 years ago
When was Paul IV's papacy?
What was the consilium, who wrote it and when was it published?
When was Pius IV's pontificate?
When was the third session of the council of trent?
when were the tridentine decrees announced, what did they involve?
when was Julius III's pontificate?
What reforming measures did Paul IV implement?
Who established the collegium Germanicum and when?
when was the Regensburg Colloquy?
When was the roman inquisition set up?
When was Julius II's papacy?
when was Leo X's papacy?
when was Adrian VI's papacy?
When was Clement VII's papacy?
When was Paul III's papacy?
when was the first session of the council of trent?
When was the Second session of the council of trent?
when was the oratory of divine love set up?
when were the Capuchins set up?
when were the Theatines set up?
When were the ursulines set up?
when was the sack of Rome?
what was the result?
what is the difference between spirituali reform and Zelanti reform?