Why did many younger women stop working?
Who was having children and marrying encouraged by?
After the war, some women carried on working. Why?
What imagery of women were portrayed in adverts?
What changes did small appliances bring?
What did women working mean to small families?
Was the marriage bar lifted? When?
Was there equal pay for women and men? Explain
How many married women had jobs in 1951 compared to before the war?
How were married women treated differently to single women in the workplace?
Women used to accept that they were paid less than men, but as time passed they spoke out. Why?
Where did women usually work?
How did adverts build up expectations of women?
When was there an economic boom? What did this mean?
What was the 'Women's Liberation Movement'?
In between which time frame did women gain some rights?
Why were the years 1950-75 an important time for women?
How did the Equal Pay Act (1970) affect women?
When did more women join the workforce?
Before this, why did employers like to employ women?
In 1951, 22% married women worked. How many worked in 1971?
Why were working mothers blamed for their child's crimes?
In 1955 who gained equal pay?
When did women machinists go and strike and what effects did this have?
In 1970 who was elected as a minister?
The equality act came at a time where women were campaigning for other rights. What did this mean?
When did marriages become common?
What year was there a baby boom?
In the 1960s most ppl lived with gas, coal, and water. What did this mean?
What did having fridges, vacuum and a washing machine mean?
How did wealthy mums look after their children compared to poor mums?
Why were women keen magazine readers?
When did TV's take over?
How did magazines change as time passed, in particular the 1970s?
Describe why women were used to being dishonest with their feelings?
In the 1950s what was feminism associated with?
Name two important women's movement organisations
The Six Point Group and The Falcett Society had roots going back to which group?
What did the Six Point Group and the Falcett Society campaign for?
By which year were local women groups set up?
What did local women groups talk about?
In the 1970's women groups came together at a national conference to make a national scene for which four things?
When were the first birth control pills available?
When were pills approved for disposal under the NHS with a prescription?
How many women were taking the pills by 1968?
What did the pill mean for families and for women?
What used to happen before the pill?
How did women carry out abortions before it was allowed legally?
How were abortions now available?
When was the divorce reform act?
How did couples get a divorce before this act?
What did the divorce reform act do?
What did the matrimonial act do 1970?
Why did women start to speak out?
What did legislations like the sex discrimination act and the divorce act do?