Created by Jonas Klint Westermann
almost 8 years ago
Explain the three different supply chain relationships - e.g. direct SC.
Explain the three SCM views and how they relate to "broadness" and "deepness"
Discuss the three categories of SCM definitions
Explain the bullwhip effect.
Outline different cost implications of the bullwhip effect
Explain causes of the bullwhip effect.
Explain postponement
What are the enablers for postponement?
What is the risk pooling effect?
What is a vanilla box?
Name different distribution techniques/set-ups
Explain the square root law, and name its assumptions.
Name the different order-picking systems.
Explain the economic order quantity, and assumptions.
Explain the safety stock formula and its assumptions.
Name collaborative logistics processes and information systems.
What is the strategic fit?
Explain Fischer's model.
Explain Lee's model.
Explain leagility models.
Name the three SC processes.
What steps are there in business process re-engineering?
What can be used in business process design?
Sustainability issues in supply chains. Name examples in textile, food, electronics.
What is the triple bottom line?
Explain different perspectives/logics on SC sustainability.
Name the SC trends and their consequences.
What does a profile of a supply chain disruption look like?
Explain the multidimensionality of supply chain risk.
Issues with supply chain risk management?
Name the different risk categories.
Explain the different risk assessment methods. Outline their relationship.
What is supply chain risk resilience?
Name the two strategies in SC resilience.
Name some of the most important factors when choosing distribution centers.
Why hold inventory?
Name the different types of inventory.
Explain the continuous review inventory control system.
Explain the periodic review inventory control system.
What is the ABC-XYZ analysis?
How do you measure inventory turnover?
How do you calculate the fill rate?
What is OTIF and how do you measure it?
If we assume for the behavior of supply chain members that they lack full rationality and are prone to misperceptions, the bullwhip effect should be mitigated by modifying what?
The vanilla box approach turns out to be extremely powerful under what?
What is market mediation costs?
The most appropriate strategy to deal with the risk that an earthquake could destroy your main distribution center in a region that is extremely rarely affected by earthquakes is to what?
A contingent business interruption insurance covers what?
Explain risk management according to risk probability and impact.