Created by Elisa Fumero
almost 8 years ago
When did State Capitalism begin?
What did State Capitalism begin as?
When was the Land Decree passed and what did it say?
When was the Decree on Workers' Control passed and what did it say?
When was the Vesenkha made and what was it?
When did the army create a single state bank?
What were the results of State Capitalism?
When did War Communism begin?
What did the Decree on Nationalisation allow?
How many businesses were nationalised by 1920 thanks to the Decree on Nationalisation?
What did the Vesenkha control during WC?
What did the unemployed do during WC?
What else did the government do during WC?
Why did the use of money decrease during WC?
What were the successes of WC?
Why was there full employment during WC?
Who welcomed the crisis and why?
What were the failures of WC?
When did the Tambov uprising happen?
How many people died because of the food shortages?
Why was the black market a problem?
When was the Kronstadt mutiny?
By how much did the industrial production decrease during WC?
When did the New Economic Policy begin?
What did the NEP change?
What did the NEP keep?
What were the causes of the NEP?
What good things did the NEP achieve?
By how much did agricultural production increase between 1921-4?
What doubled in industrial production between 1921-4?
By what year were water and electricity more reliable?
What were the bad effects of the NEP?
Who liked and who disliked the NEP?
Why was the fact that there was more food than demand bad?
Why did the price of manufactured goods go up?
What was the Scissors Crisis?
When was Collectivisation introduced?
What did Collectivisation do?
When and what was the first stage of Collectivisation?
When and what was the second stage of Collectivisation?
What was the third stage of Collectivisation?
What was the fourth stage of Collectivisation?
What was the economic reason for introducing Collectivisation?
What was the political reason for introducing Collectivisation?
What was the ideological reason for introducing Collectivisation?
What was the military reason for introducing collectivisation?
What were the successes of Collectivisation?
By what year were all farms collectivised?
By how much did the amount of grain exported increase between 1928-33?
How much did the percentage of people who were industrial workers change from 1928 to 1939?
What were the failures of Collectivisation?
By how much did the production of food decrease during Collectivisation?
How much of the food consumed by the army during Collectivisation was American?
How many people died in Ukraine during the famine of 1932-3?
Why did Stalin begin the FYPs?
When was the First Five Year Plan?
What were the success of the FFYP?
What were the failures of the FFYP?
When was the Second Five Year Plan?
What were the successes of the SFYP?
What were the failures of the SFYP?
In 1934, how many people queued for shoes in Leningrad?
When was the Third Five Year Plan?
What were the successes of the TFYP?
What were the failures of the TFYP?
When was the Fourth Five Year Plan?
What were the successes of the FoFYP?
What were the failures of the FoFYP?
How did Stalin transform the Russian economy?
How did Stalin fail to transform the Russia economy?
What problems was Khrushchev facing when he became the leader?
When was the Seven Year Plan?
When was the Virgin Land Scheme?
When was the Corn Campaign?
By taking less food and spending more in agriculture, what did Khrushchev achieve?
How much did the production of consumer goods increase between 1959-65?
By how much did the total area farmed increase thanks to the Virgin Land Scheme?
How many more tractors were available by 1955?
How much did the quality of fertilisers increase by 1955?
How much was being spent in agriculture by 1959?
By how much did the Virgin Land Scheme increase agricultrual production?
Why was agriculture inefficient under Khrushchev?
What caused chaos in industry under Khrushchev?
Why was the Virgin Land Scheme so expensive?
Why was centrally organised agriculture inefficient?
What did Brezhnev reverse?
What were the Kosygin reforms?
When were the Kosygin reforms abandoned?
By 1976, how much was being spent in agriculture?
By 1970, how much was being spent in military?
What was different about the NFYP (1971-5)?
What were Andropov's three reforms?
Why did nothing change in Russia?