Created by jacksearle
almost 12 years ago
What did Hick believe developing into God's image meant for humans?
Hick's views on the Fall
What did Hick believe developing into God's likeness meant?
Hick's view of Natural disasters
Hick's view on Soul Making
what is the problem of evil
What is natural evil, give examples
what is moral evil, give examples
What is the inconsistent triad?
Summarise the Free Will Defence
Give 2 strengths of Free Will Defence
Give 2 weaknesses of Free Will Defence
What is a theodicy?
Match up the theodicys, Irenaean/Augustine is Soul Making/Soul Deciding
Describe how Augustine believed world was created
Where does Augustine think evil originated from?
Where does Augustine think that Natural Evil/Moral Evil comes from?
Explain Augustine's idea of Evil being Privatio Boni
How would Augustine justify God not putting an end to suffering
2 strengths of Augustine's theodicy
2 Weaknesses of Augustine's theodicy1
How did Irenaeus justify his idea that God wanted people to choose to worship him?
What are the 3 key things that Irenaeus taught in his theodicy?
In Irenaen theodicy, are humans developing into God's likeness or image?
2 Strengths of Irenaean Theodicy
2 weaknesses of Irenaean theodicy
Explain Hick's views on the Afterlife