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GCSE Religious Studies Mind Map on Religious Studies - Ethics 1 Medical Ethics, created by irenehaastrup on 11/05/2013.

Created by irenehaastrup over 11 years ago
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Religious Studies - Ethics 1Medical EthicsAbortionIs termination of life in thewombLegal up to 24 weeksRC - No all life if sacred (Pro-life)CofE - Avoid of if possible but it is thewoman's choice (Pro-Choice)'Before I formed you I knewyou''You shall not murder''Love thy neighbour'RC - Disagree with artificial methodsLibs. - We have freewillSuicideTaking your ownlifeConservs. - Disagree with Suicide'The lord gave and the lord shall takeaway'Suicide is selffishSuicide was unholy'Love thy neighbour'Conservs. believe in santity of LifeEuthanasiaActive Euthanasia is to take action to actively kill a person e.g. ainjectionPassive Euthanasia is to remove treatment so as notto cure/ prevent the death of a person e.g. turning offlife support machineVoluntary Euthanasia is someone asks to dieInvoluntary Euthanasia is someone who hasn'tasked to die but another person thinks they areacting in best interestFertility Treatmentwhen a infertile couple/ man or woman are medically help to conceive a babyIVF - In - vitro fertilization, creating an embryo in a test tube and then placing in a woman's wombAIH - Artificial Insemination by husbandAID - Artificial Insemination By DonorLiberal = AgreeConservatives = AgreeConservatives = DisagreeLiberals = AgreeConsidered AdulterousSurrogacyIs when a woman carries a baby for a couple/someone elseConservs. = DisagreeLiberals = AgreeCloningTo create a replica of a cell or a whole organism with the aim to develop cells or anotherorganism with the same characteristics'Playing God' Is Wrong (Conservs.)Reproductive Cloning - Where a human or animal couldbe copied to create a identical humans or animalDesigner Babies'The Lord gave and the lord shall take away''Before I formed you, I knew you'Liberal do not believe that embryos are humans beings yetConservs. - Say embryos are human life and must be protectedAnimal TestingMost Christians believe animal are lessimportant but on the other hand somedon'tMost Christians agree with animals being used for medical research ashumans life is more sacredHumans have authority over animalsStewardship is responsibility of the earth and every thing in itSome Christian believe is a necessary evil'Rule over the bird, fish and the sea'There is no food lawDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node