Created by reynoldslaura
almost 12 years ago
Which part of the haemoglobin molecule does CO₂ bind?
Which is more soluble in the blood HCO₃¯or CO₂ ?
What is a 'chloride shift'?
What is the Haldane effect?
What is the Haldane effect?
How is PCO₂ impacted by pulmonary oedema?
Does hypercapnia or hypoxia lead to increased respiratory acidosis?
When can hypocapnia occur?
What causes respiratory alkalosis?
What is our narrow vital range of pH?
What pH is plasma or ECF maintained at?
What is the equation for calculating pH?
What is a non-volatile acid?
Name the sole volatile acid produced by the body.
Name two sources of hydrogen loss that will affect acid/base balance.
Give some examples of ways in which we gain H⁺ ions.
What is the ideal composition of acidic and alkaline foods in the diet?
What are the symptoms of alkalosis?
What are the symptoms of acidosis?
What is the difference between respiratory and metabolic acidosis/alkalosis?
What can cause metabolic acidosis?
What can causes metabolic alkalosis?
How is blood pH kept closely regulated at 7.35-7.45?
Define buffer.
Do the three lines of defence act to correct the initial change in pH?
Name an example of a naturally occuring buffer.
will doubling the partial pressure of oxygen double the % haemoglobin saturation?
How will a rise in PO₂ from 20-60 mmHg impact Hb saturation?
What is the main factor that affects % haemoglobin saturation?
What are the other factors that affect affinity of O₂ for Hb (therefore haemogolobin % saturation)?
What effect does CO₂ have on %Hb saturation?
What affect does acidity have on the haemoglobin dissociation curve?
What is normal oxygen consumption in ml at rest?
What is the normal amount of CO₂ produced under resting conditions per min?
Explain Fick's law of diffusion.
What is the Bohr effect?
What effect does an increase in temperature have on % Hb saturation?
Where is 2,3- BPG produced from?