Created by Hannah Tribe
almost 11 years ago
What is catabolism?
What is anabolism?
Why should we study metabolism?
The body needs to re-synthesise ____ from ____ to meet demand, as the body only has ____g - this is one fifth of the required amount during exercise.
How is most ATP in the body synthesised?
Name 4 major oxidative pathways
Glycolysis is an _________ process converting _________ to 2 x _________. It occurs in the ___________
1. Glucose is _________ using ____ by __________ (or in the liver, ___________). This maintains a _______ _______.
2. G-6-P is then converted to _________ __ ________ and then phosphorylated again using ____ by _____________________. This is the ____ _______ ____ of glycolysis.
3. The resulting ________ __ __ _________ splits into 2 x 3 carbon compounds, which undergo dephosphorylation to produce _________.
How many ATP molecules are used and gained in glycolysis, and what is the resultant net gain?
How many molecules of NAD+ are used in glycolysis, and at what stage?
Which enzyme converts phosphoenol pyruvate to pyruvate?
What inhibits the action of hexokinase?
What inhibits the action of phosphofructokinase?
What stimulates the action of phosphofructokinase?
What inhibits the action of pyruvate kinase?
How does ATP inhibit phosphofructokinase?
What does inhibiting PFK lead to?
In the liver, there is _________ as well as hexokinase. It is not inhibited by a build up of ___ ___ ___ like hexokinase.
In muscles and tumours, most energy is gained through glycolysis, which is ________.
In anaerobic glycolysis in muscle and tumours, there needs to be a supply of NAD+ for formation of pyruvate. As there is no oxidative phosphorylation, where does it come from?
What are 2 dangers in a build up of lactate?
Tumours exist in a _______ environment, which activates __ __ __ __. This stimulates ______ _______ to grow and an increase in ___________ _______ so tumours can overcome the usual regulatory processes and survive.
Apart from lactate, what is the other fate of pyruvate?
What is an advantage and disadvantage of this?
Where does aerobic respiration take place?
Where does the TCA cycle take place?
Pyruvate is converted to ________ ___ in the presence of ______. It is a __ carbon compound, and the by-products of the reaction are ______ and ______
What does Acetyl CoA react with on its entry to the TCA cycle?
What does this form?
Citrate undergoes 3 main reactions:
1. a 5C compound is obtained by the loss of ____ and _____.
2. a 4C compound is obtained by the loss of ____ and _____.
3. The 4C compound is converted back to oxaloacetate, losing a molecule each of ____, _____ and _____.
Which enzyme helps convert pyruvate to Acetyl CoA?
How does it control entry to the TCA cycle?
When a muscle in exercising, there is increased ____. This stimulates a _________ enzyme which activates __________ __________ and allows conversion of ________ to ______ ___.
Which enzyme helps make citrate from acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate?
Which enzymes helps convert citrate into the 5C compound (alpha-ketogluterate)?
Which enzyme helps convert the 5C alpha ketogluterate into the 4C Succinyl CoA?
What is beriberi and what does it do?
The FADH2 and NADH produced in the TCA cycle then goes to the ________ ___________ ________ to take part in the _________ __________ _________.
NADH is oxidised by _____ ____________ to give _____ + ____ + ___. The ______ enter the chain at complex I and travel through complexes II, III and IV, gradually losing ______. They are then used in a reduction reaction to form _____ at complex IV.
The FADH2 is oxidised by ________ ________ and the _______ enter the chain at complex II, taking the same course as those from NADH.
As the electrons pass along the chain, their ______ allows ___ ions across the membrane into the ____________ _____. This creates an ____________ _______.
For each NADH molecule, ___ H+ ions are pumped out.
For every FADH2 molecule, ___ H+ ions are pumped out.
____ ______ molecules exist on the membrane, which are molecular motors. They have a channel which allows ____ ions into the matrix down the __________ _________. This movement causes a rotation of part of the protein, and the synthesis of ____ from ___ + ___.
If the protein is uncoupled, ___ ions enter the matrix without synthesising ____. This generates _____ (used in newborns in brown fat molecules, as they cannot shiver).
What is the main regulator of the electron transport chain?
What processes provide the energy for a 100m sprint? (4)
Why can creatine phosphate and glycolysis only be used for short bursts of exercise?
What substances provide energy while running a marathon?
In the fed state, where are most nutrients going?
Which pathways are stimulated in the fed state? (3)
Which pathways are inhibited in the fed state? (3)
Which molecules are abundant in the fed state?
Which molecules are few in the fed state?
In starvation, where are most nutrients going?
Which pathways are stimulated in the starved state? (4)
What pathways are inhibited in the starved state? (3)
Which molecules are abundant in the starved state? (2)
Which molecules are few in the starved state? (2)