Reika Kalseki
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Do you know enough to use RotaryCraft?

Reika Kalseki
Created by Reika Kalseki over 10 years ago

RotaryCraft Knowledge Test

Question 1 of 15


If you are standing upright and facing West, and then turn 90 degrees to your left, which direction are you facing?

Select one of the following:

  • East

  • North

  • West

  • South

  • Up

  • Down


Question 2 of 15


Which of the following is the hottest?

Select one of the following:

  • Lava

  • Fire

  • The Sun's Surface

  • An Oven


Question 3 of 15


A cold object ("Object A") is placed in direct contact with a hot object ("Object B"). Both objects are otherwise identical. After 60 minutes, which of the following will be true? Ignore heat transfer to the environment.

Select one of the following:

  • Both objects will be as hot as Object B initially was

  • Both objects will be the same temperature, about the average between the two initial temperatures

  • Both objects will be as cold as Object A initially was

  • Their temperatures will remain the same as they started


Question 4 of 15


Assume C=A*B, C must be at least 65536, and A must be at least 512. Pick the value pairs for A and B to satisfy this condition.

Select one or more of the following:

  • A = 1024, B = 64

  • A = 128, B = 8192

  • A = 4096, B = 8

  • A = 65536, B = 0

  • A = 2048, B = 128

  • A = 512, B = 16


Question 5 of 15


C = A*B. If A is multiplied by four and B is divided by eight, what is the new value for C?

Select one of the following:

  • One quarter its original value

  • Eight times smaller

  • Twice as large

  • Half the original value


Question 6 of 15


Check all of the phrases which mean the exact same thing.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Object A is twice the mass of object B.

  • Two of object A would have equal the mass of object B.

  • Object B is half the mass of object A.

  • If object A was doubled in mass, object B would be four times less massive than A.

  • Half the mass of object B is equal to one eighth the mass of object A.

  • Object A is 200% the mass of object B.


Question 7 of 15


Which of the following mathematical relationships grows the fastest when x > 0?

Select one of the following:

  • Quadratic (y=x^2)

  • Logarithmic (y = log[x])

  • Exponential (y=2^x)

  • Linear (y = x)

  • Reciprocal (y = 1/x)


Question 8 of 15


Which of the following is the most likely result of dramatically heating gas in a rigid container which has no exit?

Select one of the following:

  • Pressure Explosion

  • Nothing

  • Nuclear Explosion

  • Hot Gas


Question 9 of 15


If the time taken for a machine to do something reduces by 4 seconds every time the input speed is doubled, and it takes 28 seconds with an input speed of 128 rad/s, how fast must the input speed be for the time taken to be 4 seconds?

Select one of the following:

  • 4096 rad/s

  • 65536 rad/s

  • 8192 rad/s

  • 32 rad/s


Question 10 of 15


Which of the following are correct?

Select one or more of the following:

  • If a fair coin is flipped, and it has landed "Heads" the last eight times, it has a 50% chance of landing "Tails" the ninth time.

  • If something has a 50% chance of happening, and it is given four chances to happen, it will happen exactly twice.

  • If a number of marbles are randomly scattered around the floor, they will be approximately evenly spaced.

  • If something has a 2% chance of happening, and it is given a chance to happen every 0.05 seconds, it will have at least a 95% chance of happening within 7.5 seconds.

  • A random number generator, which outputs numbers from 1 to 10 (inclusive) outputs "10" eleven times in a row. It has a very low chance (less than 1%) of outputting "10" the next time.

  • It is possible for something to have a 99.99% chance of happening yet fail to do so after 400 chances.


Question 11 of 15


If an engine uses 5400 units of fuel an hour, how many units of fuel do you need to ensure its steady operation for at least 40 seconds?

Select one of the following:

  • 4800

  • 10

  • 240

  • 60


Question 12 of 15


Lava is about the right temperature for boiling water, neither excessively high nor too low.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 13 of 15


A jet engine would function mostly normally on the moon.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 14 of 15


Temperatures are greater deep underground than a little bit below the surface.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 15 of 15


A large disc is made of a uniform material and then spun at gradually increasing speed. Which of these materials is likely to fail first?

Select one of the following:

  • Wood

  • Gold

  • Iron

  • Stone

  • Steel

  • Glass
