Matty S
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Study guide 2

Matty S
Created by Matty S over 7 years ago

Study Guide 2 Test.

Question 1 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Section 74 Summary Offences Act - Name and Address

(1) Where a police officer has cause to -
a) That a person , , or is to , an offence; or
b) That a person may be able to in the of an offence or a suspected offence,
the officer may require that persona to state all or any of the person's .

(2) Where a police officer has reasonable cause to suspect that a personal detail as stated is , the officer may require the person to produce of the of the personal details.

(3) A person who -
a) or , without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement; or
b) In response to the requirement -
i) States a personal detail that is ; or
ii) Produces of a personal detail,
is guilty of an offence


Question 2 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Personal Details

Personal details, in relation to a person, means -
- The person's ; and
- The person's of ; and
- The of the person is ; and
- The of the person ; and
- The person's


Question 3 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Section 75 Summary Offences Act -

A police officer without any other than this , at any of the or , may any person whom the member finds or has reasonable cause to suspect of or being to an .


Question 4 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Criteria for Arrest

- Ensure
- Prevent / of
- Prevent / of
- Prevent the of


Question 5 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Considerations for arrest

In determining whether there are reasonable grounds to believe an arrest is necessary the following matters may be relevant:

- The of the
- Any of
- Any of whilst
- The that the would, were they :
+ again
+ with
+ or witnesses
+ police
- Any or need a victim may have for
- Any other


Question 6 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Section 79A Summary Offences Act - Arrest Rights

- You are entitled to make in the presence of a , one to a or to them of your .
- Do you understand this right?
- Do you have any requests in relation to this right?

- You are entitled to have a , or present during any or to which you may be subjected to whilst in custody.
- Do you understand this right?
- Do you have any requests in relation to this right?

- If is not your you are entitled if you so require, to be assisted at an by an .
- Do you understand this right?
- Do you have any requests in relation to this right?

- You shall while you in , be entitled to from any questions.
- Do you understand this right?
- Do you have any requests in relation to this right?

I warn you that anything you say may be taken down and used in evidence. Do you understand?


Question 7 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Section 13(1) Bail Act

After you have been taken to (name of police station or designated police facility) you are to to the in for on .
Do you understand?


Question 8 of 8


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Section 81 Summary Offences Act - Search a person in lawful custody

(1) A person who is taken into may be searched in accordance with this section and anything as a result of the search may be .

(2) The following provisions apply to a search under this section:

a) The search my only be carried out by a or a or acting at the request of a police officer, but an search may only be carried out by such a or ;

b) The person carrying out the search may use as is for the purpose of and may be assisted by a police officer or other person;

c) Where a medical practitioner or registered nurse is to carry out an intrusive search, the detainee must be allowed a to arrange for the , at the detainee's , of a medical practitioner or registered nurse of his or her to witness the search
