Created by sophiakostich
almost 12 years ago
True or false: cartilage has its own blood supply.
Where are chondrocytes found in the matrix of cartilage?
What did chondrocytes develop from?
What are the three types of cartilage found in the body?
Where can hyaline cartilage be found?
What four things make up the matrix of hyaline cartilage?
What type of collagen fibrils are found in hyaline cartilage?
What percentage of hyaline cartilage is tissue fluid (water)? How is it held in place?
What is the function of the high water content of hyaline cartilage?
How are the collagen fibres arranged in fibrocartilage? Why?
Where in the body can fibrocartilage be found?
What are the main functions of fibrocartilage?
What is the function of elastic cartilage?Where in the body can it be found?
What does elastic cartilage contain in addition to collagen fibres?
True or false: bone is a form of connective tissue.
What are the three main functions of bones?
What percentage of the matrix is made up by collagen fibres? What are the collagen fibres embedded in?
In what form are the mineral salts found in the matrix of bones?
What are bone cells called and where can they be found?
What are canaliculi in bones? What is their function?
What are osteoclasts?
What is haemopoeisis? Where in the bone does it occur?
What are the two main forms of bones?
What are the three main things that bone marrow contains?
Describe the three stage process of intramembranous bone formation.
What happens to the osteoblasts during ossification?
What did bone begin as before it became ossified?
What is a diaphysis?
When does ossification begin?
At what age in both males and females are all the bones normally ossified?
When does bone deposition normally occur? What is required for it to occur? What controls it normally?