The atomic number is...
the number of protons in the nucleus
The sum of the nucleons
the number of electrons in a stable isotope
represented by the symbol Z
is represented by the symbol M
The neutron number...
Is the amount of charge on an ion
is the number of neutrons
Is represented by the symbol N
is the amount of nucleons
A nucleon is..
a particle orbiting a neutron
a subatomic particle with a neutral charge
a subatomic particle found in the nuclues
The mass number...
is the total number of nucleons
has the symbol A
has the symbol M
is the number of protons
An isotope...
is a nucleus with a differing number of neutrons
is a nucleus with a differing number of protons
is a nucleus with a differing number of electrons
An electron...
determines reactivity
determines mass
Is negatively charged
has a mass 1836 times smaller than that of a proton
is positively charged
has a mass half of that of a neutron
What is the formula for the number of electrons in a shell?
The mass of a nucleus is less than the sum of the nucleons. This is because...
Quarks have negative mass
Mass manifests as the force holding the nucleus together in the form of energy
Mass takes the form of kinetic energy
What quarks are found in the proton?
2 ups and 1 down
2 downs and 1 up
What quarks are found in a neutron?
What are the colours nucleons differ in?
Red, yellow, blue
Red, green blue
Red, white blue