Created by Ashleigh Gildroy
about 8 years ago
What is depression?
(briefly explain)
List the two types of depression
Define Major depression
Provide an Example using Ron Swanson of an external factor causing major depression
Define Manic Depression
Explain the difference between major and manic depression
Outline the four physical symptoms of depression
Which behavioural symptom does this quote apply to?
Which two behavioural symptoms does this quote apply to?
In your opinion, do you think Ron Swanson is Major or Manically depressed?
List three emotional symptoms:
Define Anhedonia
Define Diurnal mood variation
List the three cognitive symptoms
Section 2
What is the cognitive view on psychology
Who proposed the ABC model?
State what each letter means in Ellis' ABC model
Give examples of activating events that can lead to depression
List the two types of beliefs an activating event lead to
Define Rational thinking
Define irrational thinking
If an individual underwent a long term break up, provide examples of rational and irrational beliefs this could lead to
What is the type of consequence rational beliefs can lead to?
What is the type of consequence irrational beliefs can lead to?
Who invented the negative triad?
According to Beck's 'negative triad', what are the three things we think negatively about which can lead to depression?
Give examples of each part of the 'negative triad'
Provide a strength of the cognitive explanation to depression
Provide a further strength of the cognitive explanation to depression
Provide a weakness to the cognitive approach to depression
Section 3
What is the aim of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?
Briefly, list the steps during CBT
True or False:
The Therapist can sometimes encourage you to keep a diary, so you can record your thought patterns, feelings and actions
Provide a strength of CBT
Provide a further strength of CBT
(DeRubeis et al)
Provide a weakness of DeRubeis et al's study on CBT
Provide a strength of DeRubeis et al's study on CBT
Provide a final strength of CBT
(Brandsma et al)
Provide a weakness of CBT
Provide a final weakness of CBT