Stephanie Corlew
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Final part for the EDU 340 final review

Stephanie Corlew
Created by Stephanie Corlew over 7 years ago

EDU 340 Final Review Chapters 20 - 23

Question 1 of 62


The study of geometry includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Reasoning skills about space and properties.

  • Visualization

  • Transformation.

  • Time.


Question 2 of 62


Identify what a student operating at van Hiele's geometric thought level one would likely be doing.

Select one of the following:

  • Making and testing hypothesis.

  • Classifying shapes based on properties.

  • Looking at counter examples.

  • Generating property lists.


Question 3 of 62


What statement below applies to the geometric strand of location?

Select one of the following:

  • Study of shapes in the environment

  • Study of the relationships built on properties

  • Study of translations

  • Study of coordinate geometry.


Question 4 of 62


Identify what a student product of thought at van Hiele level zero visualization would be.

Select one of the following:

  • Shapes are alike

  • Grouping shapes that are alike

  • Classifying shapes that are alike

  • Identifying attributes of shapes that are alike


Question 5 of 62


The following are appropriate activities for van Hiele level one analysis EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Classifying quadrilaterals into special categories according to certain characteristics

  • Discovering pi by measuring the circumference and diameter of various circular objects and calculating their quotient.

  • Sorting pattern blocks by their number of sides

  • Determining which shapes will create tessellations.


Question 6 of 62


What would be a signature characteristic of a van Hiele level 2 activity?

Select one of the following:

  • Students can use dot or line grids to construct tessellations

  • Students can classify properties of quadrilaterals

  • Students can use logical reasoning about properties of shapes.

  • Students can prepare informal arguments about properties of shapes


Question 7 of 62


The following are all elements of effective early elementary geometry instruction EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Opportunities for students to examine an array of shape classes.

  • Opportunities for students to discuss the properties of shapes.

  • Opportunities for students to use physical materials

  • Opportunities for students to learn the vocabulary


Question 8 of 62


Tangrams and pentominoes are examples of physical materials that can be used to do all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Create tessellations

  • Sort and classify

  • Compose and decompose

  • Explore two-dimensional models


Question 9 of 62


Categories of two-dimensional shapes include the following EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Triangles

  • Cylinders

  • Simple closed curves

  • Convex quadrilaterals


Question 10 of 62


The study of transformations includes all of the categories below EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Line symmetry

  • Translations

  • Compositions

  • Dilations


Question 11 of 62


The activities listed below would guide students in exploring the geometric content of
location. Identify the one that can also be used with transformations

Select one of the following:

  • Pentomino positions

  • Paths

  • Coordinate reflections

  • Coordinate slides


Question 12 of 62


What statement would be the description of Visualization?

Select one of the following:

  • Positional descriptions- above, below, beside.

  • Changes in position or size of a shape.

  • Intuitive idea of how shapes fit together.

  • Geometry in the minds eye


Question 13 of 62


What would be an advantage of dynamic geometry programs over the use of paper pencil and geoboards?

Select one of the following:

  • Shapes can be stretched and more examples of the class of that shape

  • Construct visual model of shapes.

  • Construction of points, lines and figures

  • Shapes can be moved about and manipulated


Question 14 of 62


What is the purpose of the activity “Minimal Defining Lists”?

Select one of the following:

  • To list the many properties of shapes.

  • To list the classes of shapes.

  • To list the subset of the properties of a shape

  • To list the relationships between the properties of shapes


Question 15 of 62


Movements that do not change the size or shape of the object are called ‘rigid motions. Identify the movement below that would NOT be considered as rigid.

Select one of the following:

  • Reflections

  • Translations.

  • Tessellations.

  • Rotations.


Question 16 of 62


What is the name given to a set of completely regular polyhedrons?

Select one of the following:

  • Polyhedron solid.

  • Platonic solids.

  • Polyominoid figures

  • Polydron shape.


Question 17 of 62


What do statistics and mathematics have in common?

Select one of the following:

  • About numbers and operations

  • About numbers.

  • About generalizations and abstractions

  • About variables and cases


Question 18 of 62


Which statistical literacy activity below is appropriate for early elementary students?

Select one of the following:

  • How data can be categorized and displayed

  • How data can be collected and represented.

  • How data can be represented in frequency tables and bar graphs

  • How data can be analyzed with measure of center.


Question 19 of 62


The following are categorical data EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Food groups served for lunch.

  • The students’ favorite things.

  • Count of boys and girls in the fifth grade.

  • Different color cars in the parking lot.


Question 20 of 62


Complete this statement, “When students create data displays themselves...”

Select one of the following:

  • They become less familiar with the structure of different graphs

  • They are usually more invested and, therefore, interested in the data analysis.

  • They have less time to discuss how to interpret the data.

  • They are usually required to construct them with paper pencil


Question 21 of 62


Which of these options is the best way to display continuous data?

Select one of the following:

  • Stem-and-leaf plot

  • Circle graph

  • Line graph

  • Venn diagram


Question 22 of 62


These are true statements about the measures of center EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • The median is easier for students to compute and not affected by extreme values like the mean is.

  • The context of a situation determines which measure would be most appropriate.

  • When one hears the word “average,” he or she can assume that the mean is being referred to.

  • The mode is the value in a data set that occurs most frequently.


Question 23 of 62


In statistics, _________ is essential to analyzing and interpreting the data

Select one of the following:

  • Type of graphical representation

  • Context

  • Range

  • Mean absolute deviation


Question 24 of 62


The full process of doing meaningful statistics involves all of these EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Clarify the problem at hand.

  • Employ a plan to collect the data.

  • Interpret the analysis.

  • Randomly sample.


Question 25 of 62


What are Box plots most suited for displaying?

Select one of the following:

  • The mean of a data set.

  • The mean and mode of a data set.

  • The median of a data set

  • The median and range of a data set


Question 26 of 62


Analyzing or interpreting data is a function of organizing and representing data. Identify the question that would NOT foster a meaningful discussion about the data.

Select one of the following:

  • What does the graph not tell us?

  • What other graphical representations could we use?

  • What kinds of variability do we need to consider?

  • What is the maker of the graph trying to tell us?


Question 27 of 62


Identify the graphical representation that works well for comparisons.

Select one of the following:

  • Dot plot

  • Scatter Plot

  • Object graph

  • Stem and leaf plot


Question 28 of 62


Data collection should be for a purpose and to answer a question. Identify the question below that would NOT generate data.

Select one of the following:

  • How much change do you have in your pocket?

  • How much loose change does a person typically carry in their pocket?

  • How do people choose gum?

  • How long does a piece of gum keep its flavor?


Question 29 of 62


What type of graphical representation can help make sense of proportion by having students convert between degrees and percents?

Select one of the following:

  • Histogram

  • Pie Chart

  • Box Plot

  • Stem and Leaf


Question 30 of 62


The graphical representations listed can be used to display continuous data EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Bar graph.

  • Stem and Leaf.

  • Line Plot.

  • Histogram


Question 31 of 62


What do bivariate data representations show?

Select one of the following:

  • Spreading and bunching of each quarter of data.

  • Number of data elements falling into an interval

  • Covariation of two data.

  • Two sets of data extending in opposite directions


Question 32 of 62


These are components of creating a box plot graphical representation EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Data located on one-fourth to the left and right of the median

  • A line inside at the median of the data

  • A line to show the lower extreme and upper extreme

  • A line with Xs or dots to correspond with the data.


Question 33 of 62


Scatter plots can indicate a relationship. Complete this statement, “The value of this statistic is to create a model that will..."

Select one of the following:

  • Predict what has not been observed

  • Define the quartiles.

  • Represent rational number data

  • Convert between percents and degrees


Question 34 of 62


Existing data can be found in print and web resources. All of the activities below would be reasons to use and discuss them in a classroom EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Difference between facts and inference.

  • Message intended by the person who made the graph.

  • Effectiveness of the graph in communicating the findings

  • Process of gathering data to answer questions.


Question 35 of 62


Assessing young students on probability knowledge, what would the expectation be that they would be able to do?

Select one of the following:

  • Explain their confidence in a theory result

  • Determine the probability of an experiment.

  • Tell whether an event is likely or not.

  • Write reports about the probability of a real situation.


Question 36 of 62


Tools that could be used by young students to model probability experiments include all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Spinners (virtual and manual).

  • Weather forecasts.

  • Coin tosses

  • Marbles pulled out of bag


Question 37 of 62


Identify the term that is used to for the measure of the probability of an event occurring

Select one of the following:

  • Experimental probability.

  • Theoretical probability.

  • Relative frequency

  • An observed occurrence.


Question 38 of 62


This phenomenon refers to a probability experiment being carried out more and more times so that the recorded results get close to theoretical probability.

Select one of the following:

  • The law of averages.

  • The law of likelihood

  • The law of large numbers.

  • A law of small numbers.


Question 39 of 62


Conducting experiments and examining outcomes in teaching is important. All of these help address student misconceptions EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Provide a connection to counting strategies

  • Helps students learn more than students who do not engage in doing experiments.

  • Model real-world problems

  • It is significantly more intuitive and fun


Question 40 of 62


All of the following can be used to model and record the results of two independent events EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Tree diagram

  • Table

  • Pair of Dice

  • Stem and Leaf Plot


Question 41 of 62


Identify the description of an experiment of dependent events.

Select one of the following:

  • The probability of drawing a certain marble out of a bag on two different tries, replacing the first marble before drawing out a second.

  • Drawing two cards from a deck, if, when you draw the first, you leave it out, then draw the second.

  • The probability of getting an even number after rolling a die, then rolling it again

  • The probability of obtaining heads after flipping a coin once, then a second time.


Question 42 of 62


What is the mathematical term that describes probability as the comparison of desired outcomes to the total possible outcomes?

Select one of the following:

  • Fraction

  • Ratio.

  • Relative frequency

  • Experimental probability.


Question 43 of 62


Students can often determine the number of outcomes on some random devices than others. Identify the random device that is challenging and students need more experience

Select one of the following:

  • Coin toss

  • 8- sided die

  • Spinners

  • Two color counters


Question 44 of 62


Probability has two distinct types. Identify the event below that the probability would be known

Select one of the following:

  • What is the possibility of Luke H. making all his free throws?

  • What is the chance of a snowstorm in Minnesota in January?

  • What is the probability of rolling a 4 with a fair die?

  • What is the probability of dropping a rock in water and it will sink?


Question 45 of 62


A number line with 0 (impossible) to 1(possible) is purposeful when students are learning about probability. All of the statements would be examples of benefits of a number line EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Provides a visual representation.

  • Connects to the likelihood of an event occurring.

  • Reference for talking about probability.

  • Experimental random device.


Question 46 of 62


Truly random events occur in unexpected groups, a fair coin may turn up heads five times in a row; a 100-year flood may hit a town twice in 10 years. This imperfect probability is called:

Select one of the following:

  • Distribution of randomness.

  • Probability inequality

  • Sampling size error

  • Measure of chance


Question 47 of 62


The following experiments are examples of probabilities with independent events EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Rolling two dice and getting a difference that is not more than 3

  • Having a tack or cup land up when each is tossed once

  • Drawing a certain marble out of a bag on two different tries, replacing the first marble
    before drawing out a second.

  • Spinning blue twice on a spinner


Question 48 of 62


The process for helping students connect sample space to probability includes all of the steps EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Conduct an experiment with a large number of trials.

  • Create a comparison experiment.

  • Predict the results of the experiment

  • Compare the prediction with the experiment.


Question 49 of 62


What type of probability recording method is less abstract and accessible to a larger range of learners?

Select one of the following:

  • Tree diagram

  • Dot plot

  • Area representation

  • Equation


Question 50 of 62


What is the probability misconception called when students think that an event that has already happened will influence the outcome of the next event?

Select one of the following:

  • Law of small numbers

  • Possibility counting

  • Commutativity confusion

  • Gambler’s fallacy


Question 51 of 62


When students begin to work with exponents they often lack conceptual understanding. Identify the method that supports conceptual versus procedural understanding.

Select one of the following:

  • Explore growing patterns with physical models

  • Explore with whole numbers before exponents with variables

  • Instruction on the order of operations

  • Instruction should focus on exponents as a shortcut for repeated multiplication


Question 52 of 62


Order of operations extends working with exponents. What part of the order of operations is a convention?

Select one of the following:

  • The meaning of the operation

  • Multiplying before computing the exponent changes the meaning of the problem

  • Working from left to right, using parenthesis



Question 53 of 62


The ideas below would guide student understanding of the concept behind scientific notation EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Examining patterns that arise when inputting very large and small numbers into a calculator.

  • Researching real-life examples of very large and small numbers.

  • Asking them to perform computation on very large and small numbers that are not in scientific notation, so they can see how difficult it is

  • Instructing them only on the movement of the decimal point “the exponent with the 10 tells how many places to move the decimal point”


Question 54 of 62


Real-world contexts with negative numbers provide opportunities for discussion of integer operations. What statement below would represent a quantity?

Select one of the following:

  • Timeline of Roman Empire rule.

  • Altitude above sea level

  • Golf scores.

  • Gains and lost football yardage.


Question 55 of 62


When using the number line method for the addition of integers, the following statements
relate to the number line method EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Each addend's magnitude needs to be presented on the number line

  • The position of the arrow indicates positive or negative integers.

  • A line segment pointing to the right could indicate a positive or negative number.

  • A line segment pointing to the left would indicate a negative number.


Question 56 of 62


Identify the example of an irrational number

Select one of the following:

  • 3.5

  • -2

  • π

  • 1/2


Question 57 of 62


Learning about exponents can be problematic. These are common misconceptions EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Think of the two values as factors

  • Hear “five three times” and think multiplication

  • Write the equation as 5 x 3 rather than 5 x 5 x 5

  • Use repeated addition versus multiplication.


Question 58 of 62


What is the primary reason to teach and use Scientific Notation?

Select one of the following:

  • Convenient way to represent very large or small numbers.

  • A number is changed to be the product of a number greater or equal to 1 or less than 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

  • Easiest way to convey the value of numbers in different contexts

  • To determined by the level of precision appropriate for that situation.


Question 59 of 62


The contexts below would support learning about very, very large numbers EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Distance from the planet Mercury to Mars.

  • Number of cells in the human body.

  • The estimated life span of a Bengal tiger.

  • Population of the European countries in 2011.


Question 60 of 62


When students are learning and creating contexts for integer operations. Ask them to consider the following questions EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Where am I now?

  • Where am I going?

  • Where did you start?

  • How far did you go?


Question 61 of 62


For students to be successful in the division of integers they should competence in the following concept?

Select one of the following:

  • Whole number division

  • Division of fractions

  • Relationship between multiplication and division

  • Rules for dividing negative numbers


Question 62 of 62


The term rational numbers relates to all of the examples below EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Fractions

  • Decimals and percents

  • Square roots

  • Positive and negative integers
