Created by lumen7
almost 12 years ago
who gets repeated bacterial infections?
macrophage defects in IFNy signalling
symptoms dx and tx of complement defs
defects in CMI (cell mediated immunity) usually result in recurrent...
inherited complement defs
phagocytic dysfunction
The WHO classifies immunodeficiencies into 5 groups
B cell (humoral) defs
brutons x linked agamaglobulinaemia symp dx and tx
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
why is the cause of immundef sometimes hard to identify?
2 types immunodeficiency
three diseases associated with defective intracellular killing of ingested bacteria
primary (congenital)
causes of secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency
leukocyte adhesion defs (LADs)
symptoms of LAD
Diagnosis of LAD
Hyper IgM immunodeficiency
warning signs of primary immunodef
treatment for LAD
Hyper IgM symp dx + tx
3 combined B and T cell defs
chronic granulomatous disease CGD
what is most common cause for CGD
ADA (adenosine deanimase) def symp dx &tx
x linked SCID
types of acquired deficiencies
what is future tx for cgd
Dx of CGD
Tx of CGD
AIDS stats
four components of immune system
HIV symp dx
list of x linked immunodef diseases (5)
defect in CGD
defect in wiskott aldrich syndrome
defect in SCID
defect in Hyper IgM