Created by Rebecca Noel
about 8 years ago
When do we use double quotes with strings?
When do we use the print function?
What does the len() function do?
How do you assign a string to a variable?
What symbols do we use to call an index of a string?
What number does indexing begin with?
If s = 'Hello World', then what would s[:3] print?
If s = 'Hello World', then what would s[:-1] print?
What symbols can we use to specify the frequency to grab elements when indexing?
T/F?: Strings are immutable, meaning the elements within can not be changed or replaced once it is created.
T/F?: You cannot link or add to (concatenate) a string once created.
T/F?: You cannot reassign a string once it is created.
How do we call a method?
What is the .format() method used for?