Created by Emma Chell
about 8 years ago
What do evolutionary psychologists believe about relationships?
How do females ensure that they pass on their genetic code before they die?
What characteristics do females seek in male partners that would make them "good fathers"?
Why do women look for these characteristics in their partners?
Fill the blanks:
Females are _________ over who they mate with and have _____ partners.
What is a male's best chance of genetic reproduction and why?
What characteristics do males look for in female partners?
Fill the blanks:
Women with a ______ hip to waist ratio and ____ facial symmetry are associated with _______ reproductive success.
Suggest 3 supporting evaluations of evolutionary theory.
Elaborate on the method of the research completed by researchers from the first evaluation.
What were the results of this study?
Why is this evidence of supporting the evolutionary theory?
Which study provides further support for evolutionary theory and involves personal advertisements?
Evaluate the above study.
There was further research into personal advertisements. Who conducted this study and what did they find.
What did the numerical data found in this study show?
What do these results show?
What are the 3 criticisms of evolutionary theory?
What are the four factors that affect attraction?
What is self disclosure?
Suggest a strength of self disclosure.
Suggest a weakness of self disclosure.
Define the factor of physical attractiveness.
Fill the blanks:
Evolutionary theory stresses the _________ of physical attractiveness in _______ as it is all associated with greater __________ _______.
What is a strength - found by Cartwright- of the theory of physical attractiveness?
Describe another supporting evaluation of physical attractiveness.
Define matching hypothesis.
Fill the blanks:
Walster suggested that choosing someone of the ____ attractiveness rating reduces the likelihood of _________ and also makes us more ______ in our relationships as we may feel that a more attractive partner will be tempted to find someone else.
Give a positive evaluation of the matching hypothesis involving Murstein's study.
Give a second positive evaluation of matching hypothesis, involving the research of Walster and Walster.
What is a weakness of factors affecting attractiveness?
Who devised the idea of filter theory and what is the basic theory?
Define filter 1 of filter theory.
Define filter 2 of filter theory.
Define filter 3 of the filter theory.
What is the positive evaluation for filter 1 (Demographic)?
What is the positive evaluation for filter 2 (Attitudes)?
What is a positive evaluation for filter 3 of filter theory (Complimentary)?
What is social exchange theory?
Fill the blanks:
____ suggests that we consider carefully how much we will ______ from a potential relationship and what the relationship will ____ us in terms of ____ and ______.
What did Thaibaut and Kelly first suggest?
What is the comparison level?
What did Thaibaut and Kelly also suggest?
What are the two positive evaluations for social exchange theory?
Expand on the first positive evaluation from the flashcard above.
Expand on the second positive evaluation from the flashcard above.
List the 3 criticisms of social exchange theory.
What is equity theory?
Walster suggested that equity is based on four principles...
List two positive evaluations for equity theory.