Created by harrym
over 11 years ago
Copied by Hamza Ashfaq
about 8 years ago
What are the five elements of theft?
What is the definition of theft?
When considering theft, what factors will cause an appropriation NOT to be dishonest?
In theft, what is "appropriation"?
When considering theft, what is "property"
When considering theft, what factors mean that some property belongs to a person?
When considering theft, what constitutes an intention to permanently deprive?
When considering theft, what six actions are evidence that a person intends to permanently deprive the other of their property
What legislation defines the offence of theft?
How is theft triable?
What are the six elements of burglary under section 9(1)(a) of the Theft Act?
What are the five elements of burglary under section 9(1)(b) of the Theft Act?
How is the offence of Burglary triable?
What legislation defines the offence of Burglary?
What is the definition of Burglary?
What legislation defines the offence of Robbery?
What is the definition of robbery?
What are the elements of robbery?
When considering Robbery, what does "immediately before doing so" mean?
What legislation defines criminal attempts?
What is the definition of a criminal attempt?
What are the four elements of a criminal attempt?
At what point in a series of events as a criminal attempt taken place?
What two things do not prevent an attempt from having taken place?
What is a summary offence?
What is an indictable offence?
What should you do when encountering a known suspect?
Having arrested a known suspect, what should you do?
What is the purpose of total victim care?
When should a crime be recorded by?
Within what time limit should a crime number be issued?
When should the victim be given an update?
What factors make a victim vulnerable?
What are the questions considered by a court when deciding if someone's actions were dishonest?
How can a suspect be brought before a court?
What are the elements of a lawful arrest?
What are the reasons that an arrest without warrant may be necessary?
When you have arrested a person, what must you tell them?
What legislation gives the police powers of arrest?
Following an arrest, what can a constable search for?
What legislation gives the police the power to search individuals under arrest?
What searches can be carried out after an arrest for an indictable offence?
What is the definition of a premises under PACE?
What legislation gives the police powers of entry to arrest for indictable offences?
When is a constable permitted to enter and search a premises under s.17 PACE?
What is the caution given on arrest?
Under what circumstances is it acceptable NOT to caution a suspect on arrest?
When must a person be cautioned BEFORE arrest?
What five areas of questioning do not require a caution?
If you have cautioned a person prior to arrest, what must you also tell them?
What three areas of questioning do not amount to an interview?
What exceptions permit interview questions to be asked after arrest, but before a formal interview?
What is a significant statement?
What is an unsolicited comment?
When presenting a prisoner to the custody officer, what information must you provide?
Question Text
Question Text
Under s1 PACE, what can you search for?
What form must be completed after a s1. PACE stop & search or stop & account?
Where can you stop a person or vehicle for a s1. PACE search?
What should you consider when deciding whether or not you have grounds for a s1 PACE search?
When obtaining a description from a witness, what information should you try to capture?
Pace 1984 scenario