Which of the following is NOT an area of study in Biology?
What is a hypothesis?
Educated person
Educated experiment
Educated result
Educated guess
In terms of the scientific method, which of the following refers to an observation?
Writing down a procedure carried out
Taking down results
Taking in information
Analysis of data
A theory is:
A supported hypothesis
An educated guess
Something that will always lead to a law/principle
An idea not that widely accepted
Double-blind testing is where the:
Doctor knows exactly what medication is being given to the patient
Patient knows exactly what medication they are being given
Doctor and patient both know what medication is being given
Doctor and the patient do not know what medication is being given
A scientist's interpretation of results is a:
Limitation of the scientific method
Principle of experimentation
Step in the scientific method
Type of common error in the scientific method
Accidental discovery in science is a:
Which of the following is NOT a principle of experimentation?
Careful planning
Presence of a control
Random selection
Basis of investigation
Which of the following is carried out in the course of experimentation in order to determine the variability within an experiment?
Selection of a large sample size
Selection of samples randomly
Safety procedures
What is a placebo?
An effective medical treament
A false/sham medical treatment
A medical treatment with an unknown effect
An experimental medical treatment