Created by shona.doyle10
almost 11 years ago
Why can the USA be described as a superpower?
What relevance does the USA have to Scotland?
What are the melting pot and salad bowl theories?
What are the 5 ethnic groups in the USA and what percentage do they make up?
Give 4 pull factors to the USA.
Give 4 push factors to the USA.
Give 3 arguments for and against immigration to the USA?
What is the American dream?
What is the US Constitution and the bill of rights?
Describe the 3 branches of the constitution.
What are the 4 roles of the president?
What are the 6 things that state governments are responsible for?
What are the 5 things that the federal government is responsible for?
Give 4 ways Americans can be involved in politics
Describe interest groups and things members can become involved in.
Who can Americans vote for?
What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of the two party system
Describe the democrat party.
Describe the republican party.
Why is location a factor in education inequality?
Give 3 reasons ethnic minorities have substandard education.
Give 3 ways the government are responding to education poverty.
Describe the ghettos.
Describe the suburbs.
Give three reasons Americans may not be insured for health.
Who experiences health inequalities as they cannot afford insurance? (include %)
What does the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) mean for Americans?
What is the prison population by race?
What is the death row population by race and where are the inequalities?
What is the most common weapon used?
How many states allow the death penalty?
What has Obama tried to do about guns?
What are some of Obama's gun proposals?
What % of children are born into single parent families in the ghettos?
What percent of single mothers are in poverty and why?
What does the American Recovery Reinvestment Act aim to do?
What is the poverty rate of the USA?
What are the 4 reasons people experience inequalities in terms of income?
What is the American recovery and reinvestment act?
Why are Asians doing so well in America?
What was the unemployment rate during the recession and what is it now?
What are employment inequalities caused by?
What 4 ways did Obama rescue the economy?
What percentage of Americans voted in 2008 and 2012?
Why are ethnic minorities less likely to vote?
What was the result of the 2012 election?
What percentage of whites compared to blacks voted for Obama?