The purpose of a firewall is to:
Stop your computer from getting viruses.
Controlling which programs can send or receive data packets.
Blocking programs from the Internet
Protecting the computer from scary monsters.
Scanning your computer periodically using anti malware means to
Scan the computer system for malware at set times (For example, once a week).
Making sure that you keep the malware software up to date.
Logging into your computer and clicking the "scan" button each time.
Scanning attachments from emails and downloads from websites.
"Enigma" and "Caesar" are both examples of
What is needed for a computer to decrypt a message?
How many characters should a password be?
Which of the following is the most secure password?
Worms, Viruses, Zombies and Trojan Horses are all examples of:
Computer viruses
Malicious software (Malware)
Harmful data
Untrusted programs.
When anti malware software finds malware on your computer system,which statement best describes what happens next?
The infected file will be sent to quarantine, so that it is isolated away from the rest of your files. You can then decide whether to delete or repair the file.
The anti malware software will delete the infected file instantly, along with any other files which are linked to it. This keeps the computer system safe and secure.
You will be told that you have malware and then have the option of deleting it.
Which Malware disguises itself as a useful program (e.g. a virus cleaner); however it actually sends viruses to your computer system?
Trojan Horse
Which malware replicates itself and spreads to other computers on a network?
Which malware attaches itself to a computer program and then replicates?
Which malware performs malicious tasks remotely from your computer system. Examples of this include email spam and Denial of service attacks (DOS).
Phishing emails attempt to:
Obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and bank details
Sell you multi-buy deals on a wide range of fish products, including salmon and tuna.
Send malicious software to your computer system in order to slow it down.
Fill your email inbox with spam.
Which of the following would not help you know whether a website is safe to enter data such as bank details, usernames and passwords?
Checking for https:// and the padlock.
Reading a review website.
Checking the URL spelling to make sure that it looks genuine.
Not following "click bait" in emails which ask you for details (clicking on a link in an email).
Data sent and received over networks are called
Crisp packets
Data packets
A business needs to use network security to:
Keep customer and employee data safe.
Maintain a good reputation so that they do not lose profits.
Make sure that customers can trust the business.
All 3 points in this question.
Which security method prevents unauthorised access to your computer profile?
Anti malware
Which security method protects your computer from intruders?
Which security method protects your computer system from malware?
Which of the following is the most important to keep up to date?
Which of the following security methods protects your data packets from being read by unauthorised users?