Have you finished that composition for History class already just yet( already, just, yet ) ? You only started an hour ago!!
I don't want to see "Alien 9" at the cinema again. I've yet already just( yet, already, just ) seen it twice.
I'm sorry. You have yet already just( yet, already, just ) missed Katie. She left the office about three minutes ago!
Haven't you finished that composition for history class yet already just( yet, already, just ) ? You started over four hours ago!!
Oh, nothing for me, thank you. I've already just yet( already, just, yet ) eaten. I had dinner less than an hour ago.
You've finished your dinner yet just already( yet, just, already ) ! You must have been starving!
Yes, I know David. We have already yet just( already, yet, just ) been introduced. It was at a party last week.
Oh no! Our bus has _______ lub _________ left!
Has she found a boyfriend yet just already( yet, just, already )?
She's already yet just( already, yet, just ) been to Africa so she knows how to prepare for the journey.