❌ is the archetypal ❌, or small, ❌. Ras classically operates downstream of ❌: Grb-2, an SH2/SH3-containing adaptor protein, binds to phosphotyrosines on the activated RTK, and recruits Sos to the membrane environment; Sos promotes GTP binding by Ras.
❌ has more than one target, including ❌, but its most important downstream pathway is the ❌. Activated Ras recruits ❌ to the membrane, where it is activated and then ❌ MEK, which then phosphorylates ERK, a ❌. These have multiple cytoplasmic and ❌ targets involved in cell ❌ or differentiation.
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growth factor receptors
growth factor receptors
Activated Ras
Activated Ras
MAP kinase pathway
MAP kinase pathway
transcription factor
transcription factor
growth and division
growth and division