Created by Britney Matthews
over 8 years ago
Nervous System is divided
structurally into...
Nervous System is divided
functionally into...
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
What is the functional unit of the nervous system?
What are neurons composed of?
Neuronal axons (nerve fibers)
Sensory Nerves
Cranial Nerves
Spinal Nerves
Nervous tissues consists of 2 types of cells
What 3 layers make up the meninges/spinal cord?
Pia mater
Where is the cerebrospinal fluid located?
Dura Mater
What separates the dura mater from vertebral column?
Peripheral Nervous System Function
Central Nervous System Function
Nerve Fiber consists of...
Nerve fibers are supported and protected by...
PNS consists of what 2 nerve fibers?
Afferent fibers
Efferent Fibers
Cranial Nerves
Spinal Nerves
Spinal Level vs Vertebral Level
Where do spinal nerves originally arise from?
Rootlets converge into 2 nerve roots...
Anterior Nerve Roots
Posterior Nerve Roots
What forms when posterior and anterior nerve roots unite?
What happens after the spinal nerve forms from the posterior and anterior nerve roots?
Posterior (primary) rami of spinal nerves
Anterior (primary) rami of spinal nerves
Somatic Fibers
Somatosensory Fibers
Somatic Motor
Visceral Fibers
Visceral sensory fibers
Visceral Motor Fibers
Somatic Nervous System