Created by Rawan Ibrahim
over 8 years ago
How do Ramps make climbing easier?
How do ramps do this?
In order to use less force effort climbing a mountian, what do you have to do?
What is a ramp?
What is an inclined plane?
What are wedges?
What do wedges do?
What happens when an axe is pushed downwards on a piece of wood?
What are some examples of wedges?
Does a wedge change the direction of a force or speed it up?
What happens when the inclined edge of the wedge is longer and the axe is sharp?
Why are ramps use in buildings?
How do you find the mechanical advantage of a ramp?
Give some examples where zips can be found.
What does a zip consist of?
How many wedges does the slide of the zipper use to zip up and unlatch something?
What is a screw?
What is it designed to do?
How is using a screwdriver using less force than hammering it into the piece of wood
What is the thread?
What is the pitch?
Would is be easier to use a screw with a small pitch or a large pitch?
Hope you learned something :-)