Created by dominict12345671562
almost 11 years ago
Health and Beauty
Embellish in a spa
Buena para la salud mental y fisica
protégé tu piel -evitar insolación para usar crema de sol
Cuida la playa - tirar tu basura en un cubo(no deje basura)
Protect eyes - wear sun glasses
Take appropriate clothing - light clothing, a cap, sun glasses
Drink a lot of water - to avoid dehydration
Teo weeks no es sufficient to find love
Language borders
it's easy to maintain in contact with people
it's important to relax and to take time to improve health
Holidays with friends are an adventure and you have a lot of liberty
Holidays with friends have more danger than those with families
Holidays with families are important to pass the time and are more secure
Holidays with families can be a rest for parents