Where was the following quote spoken/written "I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen."
Diet of Worms
Peace of Augsburg
Spiritual Exercises
Institute of Christian Religions
Edict of Nantes
was the belief that God has already decided a person's fate and cannot be changed
John Calvin's religion, known as , is based on the idea of .
According to Calvin, the are those whom God has predestined to salvation
John Calvin stated his religion in the city of Geneva Rome Wittenberg Switzerland England( Geneva, Rome, Wittenberg, Switzerland, England ). It became a theocracy and set up laws that prohibited dancing, card playing, showy dress and profane language.
Institutes of the Christian Religion was John Calvin Martin Luther Henry VIII Ignatius de Loyola( John Calvin, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, Ignatius de Loyola )'s introductory textbook on the Protestant faith. it laid down exactly what the faithful ought to believe on every major question of religion
Drag the city/country next to the religion that is associated with it.
Anglican Church/❌
French Calvinist were known as _______.
English Calvinist were known as _______.
Calvinists in Scotland were known as _______.
broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the Church (also known as the Church of England)
introduced Calvinism to Scotland. The religion became known as Presbyterianism
_________ was granted the title “Defender of the Faith” for defending the Catholic Church against Luther’s ideas
Henry VIII
Charles V
Leo X
Ignatius de Loyola
Anglicanism Lutheranism Calvinism Presbyterianism( Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Presbyterianism ) was formed as a result of a political action not a religious action.
The King of England, ❌, wanted a divorce from his wife, ❌ because she did not produce a male heir. He wanted to marry his mistress ❌ but Pope ❌ failed to dissolve his marriage. As a result, England formed its own church, known as the Anglican Church or the Church of England
❌, the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, became Queen of England after her sister, ❌, dies. She returned England back to a Protestant Nation
, the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, became Queen and converted England back to a Catholic Nation. She was called because she killed 300 Protestant leaders.
After a civil war between the French Catholic and Huguenots, Henry IV Charles V Henry VIII Clement VII( Henry IV, Charles V, Henry VIII, Clement VII ) issues the Edict of Nantes Peace of Augsburg Edict of France Edict of Trent( Edict of Nantes, Peace of Augsburg, Edict of France, Edict of Trent ) which gave Huguenots freedom of worship and some political rights