Armando Alcocer Sotero
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago


Armando Alcocer Sotero
Created by Armando Alcocer Sotero over 8 years ago
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Methods and Approaches.The Communicative Approach is the ability touse the language effectively forcommunication and develop communicativecompetence. it includes a wear communicativeapproach and a strong communictiveapproach.The traditional method is concerned with theteacher being the controller of the learningenvironment. Power and responsibility are heldby the teacher and they play the role ofinstructor (in the form of lectures) and decisionmaker (in regards to cirriculum content andspecific outcomes). (Novak, 1998)Learning is cheiflyassociated within theclassroom and is oftencompetitive.The most commonseating arrangementused by thetraditionalists is rows.Learning may beindependant,collaborative,cooperative andcompetitive. Theutilisation andprocessing ofinformation is moreimportant than thebasic content.There are some hints that we havegathered about the learningenvironment and how it effectsstudent's learning outcomes.1. Keep your classroomdesign cluster free. Onlyhave the resources you areusing ready to access.2. Maximise classroomspace and this helps withcleanliness.3. Create a strongchild-centred environmentwith little stress that enablesproductive learners to work tothe brains natural learningability.This communicative approachis based on the idea thatlearning language successfullycomes through having tocommunicate real meaning.In this caselearners areinvolved in realcommunication.Their natural strategies forlanguage acquisition willbe used, and this willallow them to learn to usethe language.Classroom activities guided bythe communicative approachare characterised by trying toproduce meaningful and realcommunication, at all levels.Lessons are morelearner-centred, andthere may be use ofauthentic materials.The origins of the Communicative Approach havearisen both in linguistics and in language teaching as a“ reaction against the view of language as a set ofstructures”The CommunicativeApproach places emphasison developing thecommunicativecompetence ,For example:the overallunderlying knowledge and abilityfor language use which thespeaker - listener possesseDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node