Created by Eloisemayx
almost 11 years ago
All Muslims are monothiests
Muslims worship Allah
The first words given to Muhammad were read in the name of Allah who created you
The holy book of Islam is the Qur'an
According to Islam the Qur'an is the exact word of Allah
Islam means peace through submission
Muslims believe in Allah because of the world and because of the Qur'an
There are five main pillars in Islam, also known as The Five Pillars.
Muslims believe that if they follow the Qur'an they will stay on the straight path to heaven.
Muslims believe that Satan (shaytan) is always trying to push them off the straight path.
Muslims believe that life is a test
Muslims believe in heaven and hell
Jesus was a pacifist
Jesus taught stories called parables
Jesus lost his temper in the temple
Jesus knew that he would die.
The Sermount on the Mount
The Sermount on the Mount