Created by maevedevlin
almost 11 years ago
Producing a Halogenoalkane From an Alkane
General Equation, Conditions, Type of Reaction, Mechanism
Producing a Halogenoalkane From an Alkene
General Equation, Conditions, Type of Reaction, Mechanism
Producing a Halogenoalkane From an Alcohol
General Equation, Conditions, Type of reaction
Reaction with Alkali OHˉ
General Equation, Conditions, Type of Reaction
Reaction with Ammonia NH₃
General Equation, Conditions, Type of Reaction, Mechanism
Reaction with Cyanide Ions, CNˉ
General Equation, Conditions, Type of Reaction, Mechanism
Reaction with Potassium Hydroxide, KOH, in Ethanol
General Equation, Conditions, Type or Reaction