Heather Donaldson
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Licensure Insurance (Quizzes) Quiz on Homeowners and Dwelling Insurance, created by Heather Donaldson on 21/07/2016.

Heather Donaldson
Created by Heather Donaldson about 8 years ago

Homeowners and Dwelling Insurance

Question 1 of 60


The homeowners form which provides all risk coverage on the dwelling and broad coverage on personal property is:

Select one of the following:

  • HO-3

  • HO-6

  • HO-8

  • HO-4


Question 2 of 60


Which of the following can be insured under an unendorsed homeowners policy?

Select one of the following:

  • A farm or ranch

  • A mobile home

  • A dwelling which the owner rents to his distant relatives

  • A residence in which the owner-occupant also maintains an office for her accounting business


Question 3 of 60


Each of the following is a coverage under section 1 of the homeowners form EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • Other structures

  • Dwelling

  • Personal property

  • Medical payments


Question 4 of 60


Which of the following coverages is available under the homeowners policy but not under the dwelling policy?

Select one of the following:

  • Dwelling

  • Other Structures

  • Personal property

  • Liability


Question 5 of 60


An insured's dwelling purchased two years ago for $58,000 has a replacement value of $60,000 in order to qualify for replacement cost coverage in the event of a loss, for what amount of insurance must the homeowners policy be written?

Select one of the following:

  • $58,000 on coverage A

  • $60,000 on coverage A minus 10%

  • $60,000 on coverage A

  • $48,000 on coverage A


Question 6 of 60


Which of the following are true of the loss of use coverage of a homeowners policy?

Select one of the following:

  • It covers additional living costs incurred when the dwelling becomes inhabitable due to a peril insured against in the policy.

  • When part of the dwelling is rented to others, it covers loss of rent.

  • Both are true

  • Neither are true


Question 7 of 60


A homeowners endorsement used to provide stated value coverage for one or more on nine categories of personal property?

Select one of the following:

  • Scheduled personal property

  • Personal effects

  • Personal article

  • Personal property


Question 8 of 60


Scheduled personal property would include:

Select one of the following:

  • The building scheduled under the policy

  • Jewelry, furs, firearms, cameras, etc

  • Personal possessions such as furniture and cooking utensils

  • Autos and trailers


Question 9 of 60


A person having a homeowner's policy might wish to add an additional residence premises endorsement to cover a two-family home which she rents in order:

Select one of the following:

  • To have protection for $50,000 of furnishings that she provides in her rentals

  • To protect her from possible liability if a tenant is hurt on her premises

  • In case someone coming to repair a broken window in the rental unit is hurt while working there.


Question 10 of 60


What coverage would be the same on an HO-3 and HO-8?

Select one of the following:

  • Dwelling coverage and medical payments

  • Loss of use and dwelling coverages

  • Personal liability and medical payments

  • Theft and dwelling coverage


Question 11 of 60


Jack owns a condo and he wishes to insure his personal property, have liability coverage, and loss assessment coverage. What policy would meet Jack's needs?

Select one of the following:

  • HO-2

  • HO-4

  • HO-6

  • DP-1


Question 12 of 60


A person had liability coverage on his car and an HO-3 on his house. An earthquake occurred and there was no sign of damage. An explosion happened several hours later and the garage and car burned. What would be covered?

Select one of the following:

  • House, garage, and auto.

  • Auto only

  • Garage only

  • No coverage at all


Question 13 of 60


A man had an HO-4 policy with limits of $60,000 on personal property. While traveling in Europe, he suffered the following THEFT loss:

Clothes and luggage --- $20,000
Jewelry --- $20,000

There was a 20% depreciation. How much of the loss will be covered by his HO-4?

Select one of the following:

  • $16,000

  • $17,500

  • $40,000

  • $36,000


Question 14 of 60


An HO-4 is sometimes referred to as:

Select one of the following:

  • The condo form

  • The renter's form

  • Special risk insurance

  • All risk personal property


Question 15 of 60


What type of homeowners policy would be purchased to protect a tenant?

Select one of the following:

  • HO-4

  • HO-6

  • HO-8

  • HO-3


Question 16 of 60


An HO-4 would cover:

Select one of the following:

  • Apartment buildings

  • An apartment tenants personal property

  • Structural loss

  • Equipment belonging to the landlord


Question 17 of 60


What coverage does an HO-4 provide?

Select one of the following:

  • Broad form personal property

  • All risk personal property

  • All risk on structure; broad form on personal property

  • All risk on personal property; all risk on structures


Question 18 of 60


What coverage does and HO-6 provide?

Select one of the following:

  • Broad form coverage on personal property of a condo owner.

  • All risk coverage on personal property of a condo owner

  • All risk on structure; broad form on personal property

  • All risk on structure; all risk on personal property


Question 19 of 60


What provides all risk coverage on both personal and real property?

Select one of the following:

  • HO-3 endorsed with an HO-5

  • HO-6

  • HO-4

  • HO-8


Question 20 of 60


An HO-8 is similar to

Select one of the following:

  • HO-1

  • HO-2

  • HO-3

  • HO-4


Question 21 of 60


Which of the following would be correct about the minimum limits in section 2 of the homeowners policy?

Select one of the following:

  • Medical payments $1000; personal liability $100,000

  • Medical payments $2000; personal liability $200,000

  • Medical payments $3000; personal liability $300,000

  • Medical payments $4000; personal liability $400,000


Question 22 of 60


Medical payments under a homeowners policy section #2 would cover:

Select one of the following:

  • Insured

  • Insured, spouse, and all family residing in home

  • Insured, family, and guests

  • Guests on the premises


Question 23 of 60


Who can never collect under section #2 of a homeowners policy?

Select one of the following:

  • A person hurt on the premises

  • A neighbor

  • An uninvited guest

  • A resident family member of the insured


Question 24 of 60


Which of the following would be covered under section #2 of a homeowners policy?

Select one of the following:

  • Property damage

  • Professional liability

  • The insured's son trips over a sprinkler and breaks his leg

  • A neighbor's child trips over a sprinkler and breaks his leg


Question 25 of 60


Which of the following would not be covered under the comprehensive liability section of a homeowners policy?

Select one of the following:

  • An insured is at a country club, swings his gold club like Mike Russ does, and hits another member over the head.

  • A guest at your home is hit by a swing on the porch

  • Your dog is tied to a tree and bites a neighbor's child

  • A house guest in injured while going to the country club in the insured's auto


Question 26 of 60


Under a homeowner's policy, what is the limit for business equipment in the home and used for business purposes?

Select one of the following:

  • 0

  • $500

  • $1000

  • $2500


Question 27 of 60


Which of the following would be covered under a homeowners policy?

Select one of the following:

  • Flood damage

  • Earthquake damage

  • Bodily injury to the insured's son

  • An article falls off an airplane flying overhead and crashes into the insured's home.


Question 28 of 60


If jewelry is stolen and the owner had a homeowner's policy, what, if anything, would the company pay?

Select one of the following:

  • Nothing

  • Pay up to the special limits in the policy

  • Pay unlimited amounts

  • None of the above


Question 29 of 60


On a homeowner's policy, personal property away from the premises will be covered up to what percent of personal property?

Select one of the following:

  • 10%

  • 20%

  • 50%

  • Full limit of personal property


Question 30 of 60


Which of these is true about a personal article floater?

Select one of the following:

  • It provides "all risk" coverage for personal possessions on an unscheduled basis.

  • It provides "all risk" coverage for personal possessions on a scheduled basis.

  • It provides coverage for personal possessions carried by tourists and usually only applies to such property while away from the insured's home.

  • It is usually an endorsement to a homeowners policy


Question 31 of 60


Companies that sell homeowners policies in California:

Select one of the following:

  • Must offer earthquake insurance

  • Must include earthquake insurance

  • Must offer earthquake insurance only in certain areas of California

  • Never offer such coverage


Question 32 of 60


A man had a HO-4 with limits of $30,000 on personal property. While traveling in Europe, he suffered the following loss:

Clothes and luggage --- $10,000
Jewelry --- $10,000

Disregarding any deductible and assuming there is a 20% depreciation on both categories, what would the company pay?

Select one of the following:

  • $9,200

  • $10,000

  • $16,000

  • $20,000


Question 33 of 60


Section 2 of a homeowners policy covers:

Select one of the following:

  • Personal liability of the insured on the insured's premises

  • Insured's 3 year old son who hits another child with a bat

  • Bodily injury to a guest on the insured's premises and insured's personal liability away from the premises

  • All the above


Question 34 of 60


Under a standard unendorsed homeowners policy, what would not be covered?

Select one of the following:

  • Fire damage

  • Other structures on the property

  • Personal liability

  • Loss due to changes in construction code (ordinance or law regarding construction)


Question 35 of 60


An HO-3 would provide coverage for:

Select one of the following:

  • Damage caused by earthquake

  • Damage to furniture while being removed during a fire

  • Damage to personal property caused by floor

  • All of the above


Question 36 of 60


Which of the following would an HO-3 cover?

Select one of the following:

  • An office building

  • An apartment building

  • Single family, owner occupied, detached dwelling

  • Single family, renter occupied, detached dwelling


Question 37 of 60


Ordinance or law coverage in a homeowner's policy applies to which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • City law required dogs to be leashed. Your dog is unleashed and bites someone in the park.

  • City ordinance required swimming pools to be fenced and have self-closing gates. Your gate is not self-closing and a neighbor's child falls in the pool and is seriously hurt.

  • Your house burns down and you incur more costs as you must rebuild the house to code.


Question 38 of 60


A homeowners policy loss protection pays for small building losses to $500 at replacement cost even if replacement cost limits were not met

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 39 of 60


If a homeowner wants coverage for such things as libel and slander, what should the agent tell his client?

Select one of the following:

  • Not to worry. It is included in the liability section of the homeowner's policy.

  • Have the client add a personal injury endorsement to the contract.

  • This cannot be covered under a homeowner's policy. The client will need a commercial general liability (CGL) policy.


Question 40 of 60


Under a homeowner's policy, the dwelling is valued at $100,000 and the garage at $20,000. In order to maintain the proper amount of coinsurance , the insured needs to carry what amount of insurance?

Select one of the following:

  • Dwelling $100,000; garage $16,000

  • Dwelling $100,000; garage $8,000

  • Dwelling $80,000; garage $16,000

  • Dwelling $80,000; garage $8,000


Question 41 of 60


Why might a proeprty owner purchase a homeowner's policy instead of a dwelling policy?

Select one of the following:

  • He does not need liability coverage

  • He owns six units and occupies one of the units

  • He wants broader coverage


Question 42 of 60


Which of the following would be covered under the personal liability section of a homeowner's policy?

Select one of the following:

  • A personal liability away from the premises.

  • The insured's three year old child intentionally hits another child with a bat.

  • The insured accidentally drops a neighbor's camera and damages it.

  • All answers are correct.


Question 43 of 60


Which of the following situations wuld not be covered under the liability section of a homeowner's policy?

Select one of the following:

  • A vehicle (owned and registered) only driven on the insured's property which includes ten acres of undeveloped land

  • A 1923 Ford (with no engine) that the insured is restoring in his garage

  • A gold car which the insured drives on the golf course

  • A power mover the insured rides to mow his own land


Question 44 of 60


In a homeowners policy, coverages A, B, and C refer to:

Select one of the following:

  • Dwelling, medical payments, and liability

  • Dwelling, other structures, and personal property

  • Dwelling, other structures, and loss of use

  • Dwelling, personal property, and loss of use.


Question 45 of 60


Under homeowners policies HO-2, HO-4, and HO-6, the coverage for personal property is virtually the same:

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 46 of 60


Who would not be considered an insured for liability protection under a homeowner's policy?

Select one of the following:

  • The insured's resident son.

  • The insured's resident spouse

  • The insured's resident 25 year old nephew

  • The insured's non-resident spouse


Question 47 of 60


An individual owns a duplex. Because of damage to one of the units, he has a loss of rental income. His insurance would be covered under:

Select one of the following:

  • Basic, broad, and special forms of dwelling policies

  • Broad and special forms only

  • Not covered as he did not become a member of the household as required in a homeowner's policy

  • There is no coverage for duplexes.


Question 48 of 60


Which of the following may not be covered by a dwelling policy?

Select one of the following:

  • Tenants improvements, alterations, or additions

  • Detached garage on the insured's premises

  • The insured's coin collection

  • Rents an insured may lose if rental property is damaged.


Question 49 of 60


The insured has two separate dwelling policies which cover the same property: policy A for $30,000 and policy B for $60,000. If the insured suffers a $12,000 loss, how much will be paid under policy B according to the other insurance clause?

Select one of the following:

  • $12,000

  • $8,000

  • $4,000

  • $6,000


Question 50 of 60


What perils are covered under a basic dwelling policy?

Select one of the following:

  • Fire only

  • Fire and lightning

  • Fire, lightning, and smoke damage

  • Fire, lightning, and internal explosion


Question 51 of 60


A basic dwelling policy automatically provides coverage against fire, lightning and:

Select one of the following:

  • Windstorm

  • Internal explosion

  • Explosion

  • Riot


Question 52 of 60


Which dwelling form excludes burglary of personal property?

Select one of the following:

  • Basic

  • Broad

  • Special

  • None of the above, all include coverage for burglary of personal property


Question 53 of 60


Which of the dwelling (homeowners) policies provide the most coverage?

Select one of the following:

  • Basic

  • Broad

  • Special

  • Standard


Question 54 of 60


Under a dwelling policy, personal property away from the premises would be covered for what percent of personal property?

Select one of the following:

  • 5%

  • 10%

  • 50%

  • 100%


Question 55 of 60


All of the following are reasons that a dwelling policy might be used instead of a homeowners policy EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • To cover a rental property

  • The insured does not need liability coverage

  • The home did not qualify for a homeowners policy

  • The insured wanted broader coverage for a lower premium


Question 56 of 60


Which of the dwelling forms excludes damage due to burglary?

Select one of the following:

  • Basic

  • Broad

  • Special

  • All of the above


Question 57 of 60


A basic dwelling policy includes all of the following except:

Select one of the following:

  • Trees, shrubs, plants, and lawn

  • May include extended coverage

  • May include vandalism and malicious mischief

  • Covers internal explosion


Question 58 of 60


A dwelling policy would not provide coverage for:

Select one of the following:

  • A dwelling with 2 boarders

  • A dwelling with 5 boarders

  • A detached garage

  • A dwelling used for occasional business by the injured


Question 59 of 60


Replacement cost coverage for dwellings is available under:

Select one of the following:

  • All dwelling policy forms

  • Only the special dwelling form

  • Only the basic and broad forms

  • Only the broad and special forms


Question 60 of 60


When a policy states coverage is based on an insured to value or replacement cost basis, how much insurance must you carry on the dwelling as compared to the total value of the dwelling?

Select one of the following:

  • 75%

  • 80%

  • 90%

  • 100%
