tsampikos pompou
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


tsampikos pompou
Created by tsampikos pompou about 8 years ago


Question 1 of 31


151 On what course should the VOR receiver(OBS) be set to navigate direct from Ioannina(LGIO) to Kerkyra VOR/DME.

Select one of the following:

  • O 242°.

  • O 073°.

  • O 262°.

  • O 083°.


Question 2 of 31


154 On what radial should the VOR receiver (OBS) be set in order to navigate direct from Alexandria-Army(LGAX) located in LGR 46B to KAS VOR/DME?

Select one of the following:

  • O 257°.

  • O 082°.

  • O 235°.

  • O 055°.


Question 3 of 31


180 Is given:
Max. Fuel on-board during take off: 36 USG
Fuel consumption: 12.4 USG/H
Ground speed 140 Knots
Total time from take off: 48 min.
According to ICAO rules, what's the range for VFR?

Select one of the following:

  • O 189 NM

  • O 294 NM.

  • O 224 NM

  • O 195 NM


Question 4 of 31


189 The range can be achieved with fuel consumption of 25 USG/H on track 065° and the TAS 150, when the wind is blowing from 000°/20 knots and the fuel capacity is 75 USG is:

Select one of the following:

  • O 420 NM

  • O 365 NM

  • O 370 NM

  • O 380 NM


Question 5 of 31


205 Indications given:
From the altimeter(sub-scale set to1013.2) 8000 ft.
From thermometer that records environment temperature of 0°C.
From GPS that estimated the true airspeed of 150 kts.
Determine RAS.

Select one of the following:

  • O 145 knots.

  • O 132 knots

  • O 150 knots

  • O 170 knots


Question 6 of 31


211 Αn aircraft has IAS 100 knots and Instrument and Position error +5.
And flies on FL 050 with OAT +10°C. TAS is requested.

Select one of the following:

  • O 114 knots.

  • O 97 knots.

  • O 100 knots.

  • O 110 knots.


Question 7 of 31


212 Αn aircraft has IAS 160 knots and Instrument and Position error +5. And flies on FL 100 with
OAT -10°C. TAS is requested.

Select one of the following:

  • O 190 knots.

  • O 135 knots.

  • O 178 knots.

  • O 182 knots.


Question 8 of 31


231 One statue mile equals

Select one of the following:

  • O (i) 1609,3 m

  • O (ii) 5280 ft

  • O (iii) 1852 m

  • O (iv) (i) & (ii) are correct


Question 9 of 31


234 A direct trip from LAMIA to MEGARA, with G/S of 83kts. Calculate the minimum fuel required given the following data:
Start, taxy,power checks and take- off 9.5 LT
Planned route time at a consumption rate of
30 minutes diversion fuel at consumption rate of
6 USG/H .
Plus 10% of the above as contingency fuel.

Select one of the following:

  • O 44 LT

  • O 57 LT

  • O 78 LT

  • O 79 LT


Question 10 of 31


253 Given RAS of 128 Knots, a Pressure Altitude of 7500 feet and OAT of -7 C, what is the TAS?

Select one of the following:

  • O 141 knots

  • O 146 Knots

  • O 137 knots

  • O 150 knots


Question 11 of 31


255 Inbound to Thessaloniki TMA and 10 nautical miles from Delta point, you are still at FL55. .What rate of descent is required to reach overhead the 1179 KHz ERT antenna mast at 1000 feet above mean sea level (AMSL)?( if QNH also equals 1013)
(Assume the revised ground speed is 70 Knots)

Select one of the following:

  • O 530 FPM

  • O 750 FPM

  • O 680 FPM

  • O 430 FPM


Question 12 of 31


257 Which of the following is most correct?

Select one of the following:

  • O The ADF operates on the radio compass principal.

  • O The ADF is a ground-based transmitter which transmits radio signals in all directions.

  • O The ADF pointer shows the magnetic bearing of the NDB from the airplane.

  • O The ADF receiver is FM demodulated.


Question 13 of 31


260 After establishing contact with Athina Radar for MATZ penetration and receiving Radar Advisory Service, the controller asks you to turn onto a compass heading of 045 to avoid fast moving fighter jet traffic. Assuming deviation is 6o W, what is the heading? (T)

Select one of the following:

  • O 042°

  • O 048°

  • O 054°

  • O 045°

  • O 051°


Question 14 of 31


266 Isogonal is ………(i)…………and agonic line is………(ii)……………

Select one of the following:

  • O (i) a line through places of equal variation ,
    (ii) a line joins places of zero magnetic variation.

  • O (i) a line of equal angle ,
    (ii) a line of unequal angle

  • O (i) a line of equal magnetic dip ,
    (ii) a line joins places of zero magnetic dip.

  • O (i) a line joins places of zero magnetic variation ,
    (ii) a line joins places of equal variation.


Question 15 of 31


268 What distance on the Earth represents 5.2 inches on the chart of Cyprus (1/250.000)

Select one of the following:

  • O 18,4 NM

  • O 16,2 NM

  • O 19,8 NM

  • O 25,0 NM


Question 16 of 31


272 Flying at FL 125, the reception range of VHF airborne communication transceivers with a sea level situated ground station, is approximately:

Select one of the following:

  • O 140 NM

  • O 100 NM

  • O 150 NM

  • O 50 NM


Question 17 of 31


274 (i) Meridians are rhumb lines, (ii) Parallels are rhumb lines

Select one of the following:

  • O Only (ii) is correct

  • O Only (i) is correct

  • O (i) and (ii) are correct.

  • O (i) and (ii) are wrong.


Question 18 of 31


277 The radius of the earth in NM is approximately:

Select one of the following:

  • O 3440 NM

  • O 3930 NM

  • O 6666 NM

  • O 6700 NM


Question 19 of 31


279 Automatic computing equipment in an aircraft that accurately measures the groundspeed in terms of standard nautical miles (FMS or GPS…..) and then uses this to calculate geographical co-ordinates using 1 nm = 1852 m, will be least accurate when flying:

Select one of the following:

  • O North/South in equatorial regions

  • O East/West around the equator

  • O East/West around parallel of latitude 30°

  • O East/West around parallel of latitude 45°


Question 20 of 31


The length of a nautical mile:

Select one of the following:

  • O Increases with altitude

  • O Decreases with altitude

  • O Remains constant with altitude

  • O Depends only on location flight takes place.


Question 21 of 31


A rhumb line is best defined as:

Select one of the following:

  • O A line on the earth of constant true direction

  • O A line on a chart cutting all meridians at the same angle

  • O A straight line on chart.

  • O A curved line on chart.


Question 22 of 31


291 Magnetic heading, is………..?

Select one of the following:

  • O the true track, corrected for wind drift and variation

  • O the true track, corrected for drift

  • O compass heading, corrected for wind drift

  • O true heading corrected for wind and deviation


Question 23 of 31


292 In a Mercatorial chart, orthodromes "Rhumb lines" are straight lines and "Great Circles" are curved lines?

Select one of the following:

  • O False

  • O True


Question 24 of 31


297 The basic procedure of obtaining line of position (LOP) on a chart, is based upon…………….?

Select one of the following:

  • O Ground speed

  • O Cruise speed

  • O Airspeed

  • O True airspeed


Question 25 of 31


301 A/c has planned to cover the distance of 500 NM and during the flight, 200 NM after departure, is drifted 10 NM out of desired track. What correction to destination is requested?

Select one of the following:

  • O 05°

  • O 02°

  • O 07°

  • O 10°


Question 26 of 31


302 Pilot in command, while flying from point A to point B, a distance of 152 NM, discovered that he is 5 NM out of desired track. That means, he has a cross track error of………..?

Select one of the following:

  • O 02°

  • O 04°

  • O 01°

  • O 07°


Question 27 of 31


306 Pilot set his altimeter subscale to QNH indication given by ATC. This indication is called………………?

Select one of the following:

  • O True altitude

  • O Flight level

  • O Relative altitude

  • O Elevation


Question 28 of 31


310 Longitude is measured EAST or WEST from……………….?

Select one of the following:

  • O the first Meridian of Greenwich

  • O the Equator

  • O the Meridian 0 to Meridian 360

  • O the Meridian 0 to Meridian 090


Question 29 of 31


311 Latitude is defined as……………………..?

Select one of the following:

  • O the angle having the top in the centre of the earth, one side over the equator level and the other top side on a specific point of its surface.

  • O the angle having the top in the centre of the earth, one side over the level of the first Meridian and the other top side on a specific point of its surface.

  • O the angle having the top in the centre of the Small Circle, to the specific point on the surface of the earth, one side lying on the level of the First Longitude and the other on the level of the Small Circle.

  • O the angle having the top on the North Pole, one side on the axis of the earth and the other side on a specific point of the surface.


Question 30 of 31


320 Variation is the angle…

Select one of the following:

  • O between true meridian and magnetic meridian

  • O between true meridian and compass meridian

  • O between magnetic meridian and compass meridian

  • O none of the above


Question 31 of 31


319 The angle between True and Magnetic north is……

Select one of the following:

  • O Variation

  • O Deviation

  • O Dip

  • O Drift
