Created by buzzybea1
about 11 years ago
What are the three main classification of a wound
What are the sub classifications of and open wounds?
what are the sub classifications of closed wounds?
what is primary healing?
What are the 4 phases of wound healing?
what are the inflammatory and debridement phases of healing more commonly known as?
what are the requirements for a wound to be able to heal under primary intention?
what is the golden period?
What are the signs of the inflammatory stage?
What are the choices of lavage material?
How should a wound be prepared for primary closure?
how should pain relief be applied to the wound?
what are worries about a deep wound?
how and for how long can grafts be stored?
how should a new graft be protected?
how should exuberant granulation tissue be treated in a skin graft?
what should you do if you see epithelium sloughing after a skin graft?
What is better about split thickness grafting?
How is skin harvested for a split thickness skin graft?
where can a full thickness skin graft be harvested from?
what are the pros and cons of a full thickness skin graft?
what are the pros and cons of island grafting
how are pinch grafts done and where are the sites?
For a punch graft where can skin be harvested from?
What about the underlying structures can damage a skin graft?
what are the most common bacteria on a horses graft bed?
what fluid accumulations can stop a graft binding and why?
what are the most common reasons for a graft failing?
what are the stages to a graft up taking?
whats the difference between a free and a pedicle graft?
What the most common type of skin graft used in a horse?
what are the three types of island graft?
how are island grafts classified?
what are the indications of a skin graft?
when should a wound be referred?
what are the malignant things that granulation tissue may turn into?
what things are used in treating exuberant granulation tissue?
why is granulation tissue required?
how may wound tension be relieved?
how long can it take for a sequestrum to form?
why are scabs bad?
what are the 10 things which may prevent wound healing?
if a wound has granulation tissue how old must it be and how old is it to have epithelisation?