tsampikos pompou
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


tsampikos pompou
Created by tsampikos pompou about 8 years ago


Question 1 of 50


401 From what is true altitude derived?

Select one of the following:

  • O Pressure altitude.

  • O Density altitude.

  • O Critical altitude.

  • O Mach number compensated for true temperature.


Question 2 of 50


402 What is QNH?

Select one of the following:

  • O Sea level pressure.

  • O Measured ambient pressure at the airfield elevation.

  • O Q-code for hellicopters.

  • O Sea level pressure in ISA conditions .


Question 3 of 50


403 What is QNH?

Select one of the following:

  • O The pressure to be set on the altimeter subscale, to obtain an indication of ambient sea level pressure.

  • O The pressure to be set on the altimeter subscale to obtain an indication of zero on the runway.

  • O The pressure to be set on the altimeter subscale to obtain a reading of the pressure altitude of the runway.

  • O The pressure to be set on the altimeter subscale to obtain density altitude when on the runway.


Question 4 of 50


404 The pressure altitude of the field can be found by?

Select one of the following:

  • O Setting QNH on the altimeter subscale.

  • O Setting QFE on the altimeter subscale.

  • O Setting 1013 hPa on the altimeter subscale.

  • O Setting QUJ on the altimeter subscale.


Question 5 of 50


405 A barometric altimeter is consisted of?

Select one of the following:

  • O An aneroid capsule sensing static pressure.

  • O An aneroid capsule sensing pitot and dynamic pressure.

  • O A differential capsule sensing pitot static pressure compensated for temperature.

  • O A bellows type sensing temperature and static pressure.


Question 6 of 50


406 (Fig.13) If QNH is 998 hPa, what is the pressure altitude at an elevation of 18000 ft?

Select one of the following:

  • O 18450 ft.

  • O 20000 ft.

  • O 17550 ft.

  • O 18000 ft.


Question 7 of 50


407 (Fig.13) If pressure altitude is 13600 ft, at an elevation of 12000 ft, what is QNH?

Select one of the following:

  • O 960 hPa.

  • O 976 hPa.

  • O 1000 hPa.

  • O 1024 hPa.


Question 8 of 50


408 (Fig.13) If field elevation is 4700 ft amsl and QNH is 903 hPa, what is the pressure altitude?

Select one of the following:

  • O 8000 ft.

  • O 5600 ft.

  • O 4700 ft.

  • O 3800 ft.


Question 9 of 50


409 If QNH changes from 1015 hPa to 1030 hPa will?

Select one of the following:

  • O Increase QNH.

  • O Increase field elevation.

  • O Not affect QNH.

  • O Decrease QNH.


Question 10 of 50


410 As pressure altitude increases?

Select one of the following:

  • O Temperature decreases then remains constant.

  • O Temperature is unaffected.

  • O Temperature increases rapidly.

  • O Temperature increases then remains constant.


Question 11 of 50


411 Pressure altitude is?

Select one of the following:

  • O The altimeter indication when 1013.25 hPa is set on the sub-scale.

  • O The lowest pressure observed in the centre of a dipression.

  • O The altimeter indication when QFE is set on the sub-scale.

  • O The altimeter indication when QNH is set on the subscale.


Question 12 of 50


412 If QNH changes from 1009 hPa to 1018 hPa this will?

Select one of the following:

  • O Not affect field elevation.

  • O Increase field elevation.

  • O Decrease field elevation.

  • O Decrease QFE.

  • O Pressure altitude corrected for temperature.

  • O True altitude corrected for density.

  • O Cabin altitude corrected for density.

  • O Temperature altitude corrected for pressure.


Question 13 of 50


414 (Fig.7) How will altimeter reading be affected if the static vent pipe becomes blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O Readings will freeze.

  • O Reads absolute zero.

  • O Read higher than true.

  • O Read lower than true.


Question 14 of 50


415 (Fig.7) If icing, debris or insects would cause pressure disturbances at the static source,
the effect will be?

Select one of the following:

  • O Increased position error.

  • O Instrument damage.

  • O Increased instrument error.

  • O Decreased altitude indication.


Question 15 of 50


416 (Fig7.) If an aircraft flying at constant height over a level surface, meets a hotter-than ISA- air mass, the altimeter will?

Select one of the following:

  • O Indicate lower than true.

  • O Indicate higher than true.

  • O Indicate false readings.

  • O Indicate the same.


Question 16 of 50


417 (Fig.7) In a barometric altimeter…………. is fed into the capsule and .............. is fed into the

Select one of the following:

  • O Vacuum static pressure.

  • O Static pressure dynamic pressure.

  • O Dynamic pressure vacuum.

  • O Ram air static pressure.


Question 17 of 50


418 (Fig.7) If the static pressure source in an un-pressurised aircraft became blocked the
altimeter would...........but might be rectified by..........?

Select one of the following:

  • O Freeze break the altimeter glass.

  • O Read zero break the altimeter glass.

  • O Read zero open the windows.

  • O Freeze descending to lower altitudes.


Question 18 of 50


419 (Fig.7) Barometric altimeter readings can become erratic during landing because?

Select one of the following:

  • O Static pressure is changed by ground effect.

  • O Static ports can become blocked by debris,

  • O Due to increased angle of attack.

  • O Static ports become shielded by other parts of the aircraft at high angles of attack.


Question 19 of 50


420 (Fig.7) What type of pressure sensor is employed in a barometric altimeter?

Select one of the following:

  • O Aneroid capsule.

  • O Mercury type.

  • O Synthetic or metallic bellows.

  • O Bourdon helical tube.


Question 20 of 50


421 (Fig.7) If the pressure feed line to a barometric altimeter becomes detached from the back of the instrument in flight the instrument will?

Select one of the following:

  • O Read cabin altitude.

  • O Freeze

  • O Over read.

  • O Under read.


Question 21 of 50


422 (Fig.8) If the pitot pipe becomes partly blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O The VSI will not be actually affected.

  • O The VSI indication will be too low when climbing.

  • O The VSI will be too low when descending.

  • O The VSI will have low respond time when descending and too high when climbing.


Question 22 of 50


423 (Fig.8) If the static pipe becomes partly blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O The VSI indication will be too low when climbing or descending.

  • O The VSI indication will be too high when entering a thermal.

  • O The VSI indication will be too high when coring a thermal.

  • O The VSI indication will be unaffected in turbulence.


Question 23 of 50


424 (Fig.6) The correct action to be taken when the static vent blocks on an unpressurised
light aircraft is to?

Select one of the following:

  • O Use the standby static source.

  • O Break the VSI glass.

  • O Use altimeter for vertical speed indications.

  • O Open a window to equalise pressures.


Question 24 of 50


425 (Fig.8) A VSI?

Select one of the following:

  • O Measures the difference between the pressure inside and outside a capsule.

  • O Measures the accelerations difference and converts to vertical speed indications.

  • O Measures the difference between total pressure and static pressure.

  • O Measures only dynamic pressure.


Question 25 of 50


426 (Fig.8) A VSI indicates increasing rate of descent (ROD), by?

Select one of the following:

  • O VSI needle moving downwards.

  • O VSI needle moving upwards, then downwards.

  • O VSI needle stationary and the warning light is blinking.

  • O The VSI indicates only vertical speeds, not accelerations.


Question 26 of 50


427 (Fig.8) As an aircraft moves close to the ground during a landing the VSI might?

Select one of the following:

  • O Become inaccurate due to ground effect.

  • O Become inaccurate due to turbulence.

  • O Stick due to loss of pitot pressure reference.

  • O Become inaccurate due to aircraft attitude decelerations.


Question 27 of 50


428 (Fig.8) If the static pipe becomes partly blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O The VSI indication will be too low when descending.

  • O The VSI indication will be too high when descending.

  • O The VSI indication will be too high when accelerating at constant altitude.

  • O The VSI indication will have erratic indications during level flight.


Question 28 of 50


429 (Fig.8) If the pitot pipe becomes partly blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O The VSI will be unaffected.

  • O The VSI will over read when climbing or descending.

  • O The VSI will over under read at all times.

  • O The VSI will read zero since vacuum does not respond properly.


Question 29 of 50


430 (Fig.4) If the pitot source and drain become blocked by ice when in cruise flight, how will the ASI respond when descending?

Select one of the following:

  • O It will under read.

  • O It will over read due to accelerations.

  • O It will read zero in all flight conditions.

  • O It will freeze or remain fixed at the reading at which it became blocked.


Question 30 of 50


431 (Fig.4) In an ASI system, what does the pitot probe sense?

Select one of the following:

  • O Total pressure.

  • O Differential pressure.

  • O Static pressure.

  • O Ambient pressure.


Question 31 of 50


432 (Fig.2) What are indicated by the lower and upper ends of the white arc on an ASI?

Select one of the following:

  • O Vso and Vfe

  • O Vfe and Vfo.

  • O Vs and Vfe.

  • O Vno and Vne.


Question 32 of 50


433 What exactly speed, is VNO?

Select one of the following:

  • O That which may only be exceeded with caution and only in still air.

  • O That which may never be exceeded.

  • O That which may be exceeded only in emergencies.

  • O The maximum at which fully control deflection is possible without overstressing the aircraft structure.


Question 33 of 50


434 (Fig.5) What will be the effect if the drain hole and pitot tapping in a pitot probe are
blocked, whilst the static source remains open?

Select one of the following:

  • O The ASI will respond to changes in cabin or just pressure altitude only.

  • O The ASI will not respond at all.

  • O The ASI will under read at all speeds normally since alternate static source exist.

  • O The ASI will over read when accelerating, decelerating, climbing or descending.


Question 34 of 50


435 (Fig.2) What do the upper and lower limits of the yellow arc on an ASI represent?

Select one of the following:

  • O VNO and VNE.

  • O VFE and UFO.

  • O VM0 and VNE.

  • O VN0 and VMO.


Question 35 of 50


436 VFE is the?

Select one of the following:

  • O Maximum speed at which the aircraft is permitted to fly with its flaps

  • O Maximum speed at which the flaps can be extended or retracted.

  • O The minimum speed for flaps up flight retracted.

  • O The maximum speed with 10° flaps extend.


Question 36 of 50


437 RAS is?

Select one of the following:

  • O IAS corrected for position error and instrument error.

  • O GS corrected for position error and compressibility error.

  • O TAS corrected for instrument error and ram effect.

  • O IAS corrected for density error and position error.


Question 37 of 50


438 (Fig.4) If the pitot pipe becomes partly blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O The IAS reading will be too low when descending and too high when climbing.

  • O The IAS reading will be erratic when climbing.

  • O The IAS reading will be freezed.

  • O The IAS reading will be too low at all times.


Question 38 of 50


439 (Fig.4) If the pitot pipe becomes partly blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O The IAS will be too low when accelerating.

  • O The IAS will be unaffected.

  • O The IAS will be too low when decelerating.

  • O The IAS will be too low at all faces of flght.


Question 39 of 50


440 (Fig.11) If the static pipe becomes partly blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • O The IAS and ROC will be too low when climbing.

  • O The IAS and ROC will be too low when descending.

  • O The IAS and ROC will be too low at all faces of flght.

  • O The IAS will be be unaffected.


Question 40 of 50


441 The pitot source in an ASI system provides?

Select one of the following:

  • O Total pressure.

  • O Dynamic pressure.

  • O Kinetic energy and inertia.

  • O Kinetic pressure.


Question 41 of 50


442 (Fig.2) The yellow arc on an ASI indicates?

Select one of the following:

  • O VNo at lower end and VNe at upper end.

  • O Vne at lower end and Vmo at upper end.

  • O Vle at lower end and Vfe at upper end.

  • O Vmd at lower end and Vmp at upper end.


Question 42 of 50


443 RAS is IAS corrected for?

Select one of the following:

  • O Position error.

  • O Instrument error.

  • O Compressibility error.

  • O Density error.


Question 43 of 50


444 (Fig.2) What does the white arc on an ASI indicate?

Select one of the following:

  • O Vso at the lower end and Vfe at the upper end.

  • O Vso at the lower end and Vmd at the upper end.

  • O Vsi at the lower end and Vfe at the upper end.

  • O Vsi at the lower end and Vmd at the upper end.


Question 44 of 50


445 (Fig.2) Where on an ASI is VFE indicated?

Select one of the following:

  • O The upper end of the white arc.

  • O The lower end of the yellow arc.

  • O The blue arc limit.

  • O The upper red dead line.


Question 45 of 50


446 (Fig.2) Where on an ASI is VNO indicated?

Select one of the following:

  • O Upper end of green mark and lower end of yellow arc.

  • O Lower end of green arc and upper end of white arc.

  • O Upper end of white arc and lower end of green arc.

  • O Upper end of red arc and lower end of yellow arc.


Question 46 of 50


447 VNEis?

Select one of the following:

  • O The speed that must never be exceeded.

  • O The maximum speed for normal operations.

  • O The maximum speed with flaps extended.

  • O The maximum speed flying in turbulence.


Question 47 of 50


448 What is VFE?

Select one of the following:

  • O The maximum speed for flight with the flaps extended.

  • O The maximum speed for extending or retracting flaps, applied only to B class aeroplanes as categorized by JAR's.

  • O The maximum permissible speed for the whole flight envelope.

  • O The minimum speed for extending or retracting the flaps.


Question 48 of 50


449 (Fig.2) What does the green arc on an ASI indicate?

Select one of the following:

  • O Vsi at the lower end and Vno at the upper end.

  • O Vx at the lower end and Vy at the upper end.

  • O Vfe at the lower end and Vfo at the upper end.

  • O Vsi at the lower end and Mmd at the upper end.


Question 49 of 50


450 VN0 is the maximum…………………………………?

Select one of the following:

  • O Maximum cruise speed in the entire flight envelope.

  • O Maximum operating speed at operating ceiling.

  • O Maximum emergency speed at absolute ceiling.

  • O Maximum permissible speed during spiral dive.


Question 50 of 50


451 (Fig.2) Vne is.......................and is indicated by the.......................on an ASI?

Select one of the following:

  • O never exceed speed / red radial line at the upper end of the yellow arc.

  • O never entry spin speed / upper end of white arc.

  • O maximum flat spin speed / lower end of green arc.

  • O normal endurance speed / green radial at the upper end of the green arc.
