Created by jsmwilliams
almost 11 years ago
mission statement
what the mission statement means to me
what are the healthcare disparities in the african american community?
what are some of the struggles that A.As face in the oakpark community?
what are the goals of the clinic? in your own words
clinic history
tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision
tell me about a time you did something wrong. how did you handle it?
what do you feel you would contribute to our team
describe yourself in three words
qualities a leader should have
describe some of our outreach projects
the history of Oakpark
some of the services that the clinic offers the community
define disparities
cause of health disparities
culturally- sensitive health care
why is there a lack of faith in the a a community?
factors contributing to the disparities
culturally insensitive factors from case study
why I want to volunteer at the clinic
possible roles in the clinic: I would like floater because I get to experience different roles, also intake I like listening to people I can take complaints
There are many options for student-run clinics. Explain you have chosen to volunteer with Imani Clinic and what you hope to gain from this experience.
What qualities would you as a Volunteer bring to Imai Clinic (Both in clinic and as a part of our Imani Family)
What is our target population and what experiences, in terms of outreach; do you have with this population? (If you do not have experience, what steps would you take to further broaden your horizons?)
4) What do you think you can do for Imani Clinic and what do you think Imani Clinic can do for you?
5) What makes the African American population different from other minority populations with regard to healthcare and receptivity?