Tim Swindler
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Year 1, 3rd Quarter

Tim Swindler
Created by Tim Swindler about 8 years ago

Historical Books of the Old Testament - Week 7-8 Quiz

Question 1 of 22


Which is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • The northern kingdom is characterized at the beginning by as series of bloody coups.

  • The northern king Rehoboam was concerned that the northern tribes would turn away from him and so he set up golden calves at Dan and Bethel.

  • From 1 kings 11 through the rest of 1-2 kings there is a recurring prophecy-fulfillment motif.

  • Ahijah announced to the man who was over the forced labor of northern tribes that God would make him king of the ten northern tribes.

  • None of the answer provided here is not true.


Question 2 of 22


Which of the following kings was Jezebel married to?

Select one of the following:

  • Omri

  • Jehu

  • Jeroboam

  • Ahaz

  • None of the answers provided is correct (except this one)


Question 3 of 22


The three characteristics of the presentation of Elijah is that he was a miracle worker, a prophet and a New Moses

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 4 of 22


Pick the best answer

Select one of the following:

  • Elisha only ministered during the reign of one king, Ahaz

  • All of the answers provided are correct.

  • Elisha gives a double-portion of his spirit to Elijah at the River Jordan

  • Elisha worked more miracles than Elijah.

  • Elijah heals a man from leprosy


Question 5 of 22


After David and Solomon, the two greatest kings of Judah are Hezekiah and Josiah who both are presented as reformers in the biblical narrative, leading Israel in keeping of the Passover.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 6 of 22


The Chronicler shows no absolutely awareness of the affair of David with Bathsheba

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 7 of 22


Attempted to destroy Jerusalem but was defeated miraculously

Select one of the following:

  • Assyria

  • Josiah

  • Babylon

  • Elisha


Question 8 of 22


Feeds and entire army with a limited amount of food.

Select one of the following:

  • Josiah

  • Hezekiah

  • Elisha

  • Elijah


Question 9 of 22


Offered sacrifice at Carmel as part of a duel with the prophets of Ba'al, who were unable to call fire down from heaven from their god.

Select one of the following:

  • Elisha

  • Elijah

  • Josiah

  • Hezekiah


Question 10 of 22


Destroyed the Jerusalem Temple and led Judah into exile in the 6th century.

Select one of the following:

  • Assyria

  • Babylon

  • Hezekiah

  • Josiah


Question 11 of 22


Showed the Babylonians the treasures of the temple--an err that eventually led to the downfall of Jerusalem

Select one of the following:

  • Elisha

  • Elijah

  • Hezekiah

  • Josiah


Question 12 of 22


This king led Judah in battle against the Pharaoh and was killed on the plains of Meggido

Select one of the following:

  • Elisha

  • Elijah

  • Hezekiah

  • Josiah


Question 13 of 22


Which of the following is NOT true?

Select one of the following:

  • Eve is presented as a sort of Queen Mother

  • The Queen Mother embodies dynastic succession, i.e., the continuity of the royal line

  • The Hebrew term for the Queen mother is giberah

  • In the biblical narrative, the queen mother plays a prominent role throughout the histories of both the northern and southern kingdoms


Question 14 of 22


Which of the following is true about 1-2 Chronicles?

Select one of the following:

  • The author is likely a priestly figure

  • 1-2 Chronicles is most likely written before the return from exile

  • The final event mentioned in 1 Chronicles is the decree of Cyrus returning Judah from exile

  • None of the answers provided is correct (except this one)


Question 15 of 22


The author of 1-2 Chronicles begins his work with a genealogy that stretches all the way back to Adam, thus identifying the Davidic Kingdom as a kind of fulfillment of God's plan at creation.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 16 of 22


According to the Chronicler, the kingdom of God

Select one of the following:

  • is in the hands of the sons of David because of the Davidic covenant is inextricably linked to the temple.

  • is only a future reality, something which Solomon only longed would one day be manifested and which only come when the long awaited messiah arrives and restores Israel after the exile

  • will only come when the Davidic line comes to an end.

  • is present though proper worship, whether that is celebrated in Jerusalem or somewhere else.


Question 17 of 22


Which story doe the Chronicler link to the story of Abraham offering Isaac?

Select one of the following:

  • None of the answers provided is correct

  • The Passover of Hezekiah

  • The census

  • David's willingness to sacrifice Solomon

  • The elevation of Solomon


Question 18 of 22


According to 1-2 Kings and 1-2 Chronicles, the site of the temple of Solomon is "Moriah", the very place where Abraham offered Isaac.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 19 of 22


Construction of Solomon's temple links the sanctuary with creation via "garden" imagery and the motif of the number "seven"

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 20 of 22


Which is not one of the reasons scholars have seen for God's disqualification of David as temple builder?

Select one of the following:

  • His warfare, i.e., the spilling of blood is understood as pollution

  • this affair with Bathsheba

  • David's murder of Joab

  • The census


Question 21 of 22


Which of the following is NOT true about David's role in the building of the temple in Chronicles?

Select one of the following:

  • He give Solomon a "pattern" for the temple, evoking the way God gave Moses a "pattern" for the Tabernacle

  • He purchases the land for the future site of the temple, namely, the place where he offered sacrifice to turn back the plague that was triggered by the census

  • He constructed the instruments that would be used in the Temple

  • He re-assigned the Levites, given them knew duties in the Temple

  • None of the answers provided is correct (besides this one) is correct as all of the other options are true


Question 22 of 22


In Chronicles, Solomon is said to have sat on the throne of the Lord

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False
