Which of the following are quality points to look for in Ducks?
There should be no unpleasant smell
The webbed feet should tear easily
The upper beak should be yellow in colour and break easily
There should be small scales on the legs
How are birds trussed for roasting?
The trussing needle can pass through the joints of the bird into the cavity, and out the opposite side, forming a `figure of 8` with the string
They are tied securely using nylon string around the legs
How many portions will each bird produce when cut for sauté?
What weight of turkey should be allowed per person when roasting?
What is the difference between a ballantine and galantine?
Galantines are whole birds, bones removed, stuffed and then reformed
Galantines have the skin removed, Ballantines do not
Ballantines are produced by removing the bones from poultry legs, blending the meat to form a filling, and replacing the meat in the skin to form a boneless leg portion
A poultry forcemeat (or farce) can be created by blending diced and trimmed flesh to a smooth paste with egg white and cream