liquid the eye is surrounded by
ciliary muscle
accomodation range
unaccomodated range
can the retina be seen through the a device?
what are the 5 classes of neurons?
what is the quicket route to the brain from the retina (neuronal)
3 layers of the retinal nucleus: inner nucleus layers;
3 layers of the retinal nucleus:GC layer
3 layers of the retinal nucleus: outernucleus layers
what are rods?
what are cones?
gmp-gated channels are activators for what?
what happens to rods when they are exposed to light?
when are PRs active?
active threshold of cones?
rods also do what?
there are more cones in this area of the macular; why?
the optic disc
how many photopigments to rods have?
there are 3 different cones; each with what to allow them to work?
on-center GC
off-center GC
what NT is released in cones?
what happens to more release of glutamane?