Created by Jae MedSkool Abr
almost 12 years ago
Cyclothymic Disorder consists of?
behavioral characteristics
desire to participate in activities with depressed and manic.
interaction with other people in depressed and manic.
affiliation needs in depressed and manic.
Mood, guilt, crying spells, gratification, and emotional attachments in the depressed and manic patient.
Self evaluation, expectation, self criticism, decision making ability, flow of thought body image, delusions, and hallucinations in the depressed and manic patient.
Sociocultural sexual desire in depressed and manic patient?
Physiological Appetite, amount of sleep, activity level, bowel activity, and physical appearance in the depressed and manic.
what two theories are the causes of mood disorders?
two causes of depression are?
two causes of mania are?
what are the most important things a nurse must asses when a person come into the office with complaints of depression?
Secondary depression is?
What Substances and meds can cause depression?
what are two type of treatment therapies to treat depression?
Additional treatment options for depression consist of 3 things?
what is the treatment for bipolar disorder and what two types does it consist of?
what are the three types of antidepressants?
What does mao inhibitors do? name three examples and what are 4 side effects ass with this drug? list the dietary and drug restrictions with this med? and what is the danger of this med?
TC Antidepressants- list 5 examples. What problem can be caused with TCA's? what are 2 adverse reactions? and what are some adverse side effects.
SSRI list 6 examples of it. which is the first one to be revolutionized for depression in children which are the 3 newer ones and which one does not cause weight gain so it is app for children and adolescence low dose. list the 8 adverse reactions. what should they do when taking the meds and how long does it take effect for antidepressant meds to work.
Mood Disorder
What are the two Major Depressive Disorders and their descriptions?
Dysthmic Disorder is characterized by what 3 things?
Bipolar disorder cycle consists of?
Bipolar disorder 1 consists of?
Bipolar disorder 2 consists of?
what is the difference between hypomania and mania