Created by Ben C
over 8 years ago
--Attempts to control extremism, 1918-32--
--Making concessions--
What was the Ebert-Groner Pact?
What was the Stinnes-Legien Agreement?
Who did the new government turn to in the event that the Ebert-Groener Pact collapsed?
--Regional disruption--
What was the major issue with the regions of Germany after the war?
By which method did the new Weimar government deal with this?
What was Reichsexekution?
--Lopsided control--
How did threats from the left and right differ?
What was the effect of this?
--How did the Nazis use censorship and repression from 1933 to 1945?--
In broad terms, why did the Nazis use censorship and repression?
What did the Decree for the Protection of the People and the State allow the Nazi Party to do?
On 25th March 1933, what did Goebbels tell all the controllers of German radio?
What happened to the staff of these radio stations?
What was the issue with censoring the press?
What did Hitler do on the 4th October 1933?
What did public uptake of newspapers look like 1932-33?
How did the state further control the press in December 1933?
What was the first major step in Nazi repression?
--Policing and the courts--
Name 4 different 'organisations' that the Nazis used alongside the existing police and judicial system.
When was this set up and by whom?
What did the Gestapo do?
How did the Gestapo differ from the SA and SS?
Who were the SS and what did they do?
How did the numbers of the SS increase, and what did this mean for its responsibilities?
--People's Court--
When was this set up and what did it do?
What was the structure of the People's Court, and how much power did it have?
--Nazi Party officials--
Give 2 examples of roles the Nazi Party officials had.
What were all Nazi Party officials assumed to do?
--The constitutional and legal responses to political extremism, 1949-89--
Why was there an increase in the extremity of protests during the FRG period?
--Policing the people--
Name 2 organisations set up by the government in the FRG period to tackle political extremism.
What were these organisations entitled to do?
How did the BfV and BND differ?
Unlike the Gestapo, what were the BfV and BND NOT permitted to do?
How did the government get around the Basic Law principle of not allowing the government to hamper civil liberties?
What were the effects of this Law on protest?
What was the BEFA and what were the effects of this?
What further measures were introduced to combat the threat of terrorism?
--People management--
What was the Berufsverbot?
What was the Radikalenerlass?
Why was the Radikalenerlass introduced?
Laws passed by the FRG to control opposition
December 1950
April 1956
30th May 1968
28th January 1972