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Ryan Brace
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

- Atoms - Periodic Table - Electron Shells - Compounds

Ryan Brace
Created by Ryan Brace almost 9 years ago
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Atoms & The Periodic TableAtomsElectronsNucleusNegativeChargeMove around theNucleusOccupyShellsIn the middle of anAtomContains Protons &NeutronsPositiveProtonsNeutralNeutronsOverall positivechargeNumber of Protons= Number ofElectronsIf Electrons are added/removedthe atom then becomes an IonPeriodicTableColumnsNumbersThe top number isthe Mass NumberNumber of Protons &NeutronsBottom numberis the AtomicNumberNumber ofElectronsTo find the Neutrons it'sMass Number - AtomicNumberThese are calledGroupsEach Group have the same number ofElectrons in their outer shellTherefore the properties aresimilarGroup 0 are NobleGasesThis means they have a full outershellThey are stable andunreactiveElectronShellsRulesElectrons occupyshellsThere are usually 3shellsFirst - 2ElectronsSecond - 8ElectronsThird - 8ElectronsA full outer shell meansthe Element isunreactiveUnless full theElement will reactCarbon ElectronShells2 electrons on firstshell4 electrons on outershellCompoundsFormedDifferent Elements reactforming Chemical BondsForms aCompundMaking Bonds involvestaking and sharingElectronsBondingIonic BondingOccurs when metals and non-metals bondConsists of IonsThe metal loses ElectronsForms positive chargeThe non-metal gains ElectronsForms negative chargeThe opposite chargecauses the atoms tobe attractedForms a compoundE.g. NaClSodium Atom gives anelectron to Chlorine AtomCovalent BondingOccurs when two non-metals bondConsists of MoleculesEach Atom shares an ElectronThey have to share sothey can have a fullouter shellMust have enoughCovalent Bonds to do soE.g HClThe Hydrogen bonds withthe Chlorine by sharing anElectronFormulasCarbon Dioxide1 Carbon Atom2 Oxygen AtomsCalcium Hydroxide1 Calcium Atom2 Oxygen Atoms &2 Hydrogen AtomsThese have bracketsaround them, with a little'2' next to itDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node